Remake your Religious Body ?

Did you know that their are organizations out there that will consult with you to "remake your religious body" to improve your numbers or take it over for you if it is lagging people in the pews"?

I came across this video in my research and it honestly it me. Not that I didn't know this was happening already but.... they present it in the video in such a way that perfectly highlights how sinful and disobedient their actions/fruit are... as compared to God's Word.

First...go read this portion of scripture where Jesus calls out the Pharisee's for being concerned with the "outside of themselves" while the insides are dirty and defiled.

Matt 23:23-28
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

To be clear... the above text was about the religious leaders of Christ's day that would clean up the outside of the cup for show.... but remain un regenerated without His truth; per Jesus own words.

As we try to warn people about the false foundation of what man has built ( religious buildings and false denominational organizations today ) the facts are so plain and clear to see for those who yearn to discern all for God's glory. The very people re-building/running these places and practicing very unbiblical ways, will openly tell you just what they are up to in their own words. Please view this video below from a modern pastor who has a man made body that is linked to the North American Missions Board / Southern Baptist Convention ( very unbiblical groups ) and he offers you tips on how to revitalize your body.

Among his "tips" are the following to make sure your body grows:

*Change the outside look of the church ( he is in error as ... a building is NOT the church )
*Bring in new more modern music
*Bring in a young modern pastor
*They hint to more relevant programs
*Invite new young couples to visit
*He encourages you to focus on growth & numbers
*It tells you to "not fight the people but fund them"
*It tells you to "not go against the people but go with them"

Can you see how the outside of the cup is being made very new & shiny but.... they are not concerned with what is inside at all?

The modern false body promoting this is:

Woodstock First Baptist
Woodstock, Georgia
modern pastor Johnny Hunt
(See this link that exposes
( for many reasons listed on our blog .... we cannot consider them a true New Testament biblical church )

If you understand basic scriptural truth.... the people they are targeting are not committed Christians but carnal seekers of the world and you are to just go along with them in what they want and you will grow. Read Romans 12:2 and that one verse alone destroys there poor theology and nasty motives.

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God".

If you watch the entire video you will "not" here him encourage more biblical truth, holiness, obedience or to preach a more bold proclaiming of the gospel at all. It is never mentioned.
Amazingly.....he even admits to what they are doing in these places of religious rituals built by man to draw the masses. At minute 3;26  he says.... they ENTERTAIN people.

There it is folks ..... what more proof do you need? These are in my opinion false teachers and wolves who are not about biblical truth and obedience to raise up and perfect the sheep for ministry. ( Eph 4 )  No, they are all about numbers in the pews, dollars and drawing / entertaining goats. ( un regenerated people ) Sadly this is not uncommon and it is the church growth / seeker sensitive model ( see Rick Warren / Bill Hybels false ways ) that has been used for years and is growing fast taking over more and more places in America. It is happening right here in rural Wisconsin just down the road from our little homestead. ( we have so much work to do indeed! )

Note: This is the perfect example of a MAN centered religious fake system vs a CHRIST centered New Testament body.  People are not called to repent of sin and walk holy but to practice religion of man. 

So consider the facts will you? The very model they were are ALL built upon since the pagan times of 4 AD and then the error filled Luther reformation it is clearly a lie. ( with its holy buildings, controlling pastors, lines of idle people in pews, ritual timed out services, man made rules etc ) Then add in today their seeker ways, emotional ungodly music, worship leaders, carnal worldly lives, very little biblical obedience & holiness taught etc etc ) it is clear to me that this system is and always has been wrong since long ago.
Can you agree that man always corrupts what he controls... amen?

Now add on to it today in our very post Christian culture; a greater attempt to play "right to" a un regenerated groups ( goats )  and their carnal needs just to pack out the house and you have a complete recipe for a harlot system of false teaching and error filled worship. This is NOT rooted on His Holy word but on vain man made traditions that Jesus clearly warned about. ( see Mark 7 )

Please read our main blog and test your own body vs God's Word will you?  Also see our ten point test here.
We believe you may very well see that your own body is not in the truth / doctrine of Christ either?
( see 2 John 1:9 ) Then you must either ignore His truth and worship in vain .... or come out of it (unless they will repent and be obedient) to honor the Risen Lord you claim faith in.

Please be warned and hear the call will you?
He is "calling out" His true remnant to His Holy Word and ways through the obedient function and design of the New Testament church life. ( being His body 24-7 ) His people will follow Him not man and keep ALL of His Word in holiness and obedience till He returns for His "pure" bride. ( see our post on what is His true body looks like )

Will you be among them or left behind as a "false convert" for His wrath to come?

see that video link here as proof....

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