Preach The Gospel To Yourself

There is nothing more important to the follower of Christ than the biblical gospel. Jesus Christ is the foundation we are to build upon and His goods news (gospel) is the means by which we find eternal life and we secure that solid foundation in Him. Do you know it well today?

One of the best ways to have the gospel well rooted in us is to first study it in the Word and meditate on the verses that deal with the gospel. The following link is where you can read or listen to the biblical gospel with scripture verses.

While it may seem basic it is a fact that most religious places and people who claim Christ do not have it correct. Sadly today many have watered it down or changed it to make more people included in it and this is a terrible sin. It is to stand alone and unchanged as the truth of the Lord. We would encourage you to study it, meditate on it and to memorize the Holy scriptures so you can do three things VERY well for your gospel foundation in Christ.

1) You can fully "understand the gospel" with correct theology.

2) You can "apply the gospel to your own life" as you live for Christ

3) You know it so well that you can easily "proclaim it to others" for God's glory and their salvation

One of the best ways to accomplish all three of these goals (once you have studied the verses and attempted to memorize or write them out for yourself) is to daily preach the gospel to yourself.
This may sound strange but it is not at all. God's Word tells us to "be ready to give a answer for the hope that lies within us" (1 Peter 3:15) We are also told to be about seeking (daily) and serving the Lord as His people by taking every thought captive for Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5). The BEST way to ingrain the gospel within your mind and life is to tell it  to yourself over and over, preach it in your thought life and meditate on its deep spiritual meaning. It would be wonderful if you had other believers that you could speak it to and even practice your proclamation of it but that is not always possible is it? So we would encourage you as you go about your day to make the gospel a present thought on your mind by reviewing the verses, thank God for it, focus on how it has changed you, go over how you would explain it to others and test yourself to make sure your living it out fully and faithfully in your own life. (The fruit of a person who has the gospel is an obedient and holy life lived to God's Word.) We are to be a Christ and gospel centered people so dwell your mind there will you?

In the end... so much of the victorious Christian life is a battle of ones mind/flesh to live for God and not please the fallen nature. (See Romans 8:8) A key in that battle is to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you and give you strength in all areas that you may struggle with. Having the gospel (that will save you if you hold fast to it) as a regular part of your daily life and very active within you, will be setting your course on the narrow road of eternal truth that alone leads to life! God's Word is clear that:

"faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God". 
Romans 10:17

Hearing His word echo in your mind is a godly practice, a great protection and a wonderful tool for your deeper spiritual strength and growth. We all should study and know the good news well (how can we move on to more without having that implanted in us?) Then we can preach the gospel to ourselves daily (out loud or silently) so we will have it rooted in us at our very core. If and when you have the opportunity to tell someone; you will then be studied up and approved as a worker for the Lord all for His glory! He deserves our very best and it is the biblical gospel proclaimed (Christ's death and resurrection) that will bring Him the most glory.

Let us know how we can assist you in any way at all?

For His glory....