Seminary Trained Does "Not" Mean Biblical or Holy **

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Today in the religious bodies across America  (for the most part) you will find one lone man acting as the main teaching pastor while everyone else sits and watches him and the religious show that is put on. He usually has been seminary trained in so called advanced theology. This is a modern invention as the role of the lifted up modern CEO pastor is not found any where in the New Testament church of Christ, or scripture. The model is to be biblical "multiple elders" who oversee and all men are to use their gifts. 

(You can read more about that CLICK HERE about the unbiblical role of modern pastors.)  

The topic we would like to focus on for this article is to highlight that a man going to seminary for a degree does NOT mean he is then a more biblical, holy or discerning man in anyway shape or form. Our experience shows otherwise, really!

This is not the usual discernment article we normally do but we feel it is needed. We have learned of many troubling situations in our ministry efforts that appear over and over. Men with theological degrees are lifted up and often untouchable for biblical correction and this is very dangerous. They seem to feel they are above reproach in the Word. We will give you several examples as sad proof this is the case today. The purpose of this article is not to be critical and point blame but to show you biblically that if you use discernment skills and God's Word, it is easy to see through the counterfeit ways of man made religious error and traditions like education at seminaries. Per the Holy Word of God and from their fruit; they are to be rejected!

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
Colossians 2:8

Let us be very clear at the start. We are not saying that you cannot  get additional bible training or it is sinful if you so choose to do so. What we are saying is that this form of higher religious education has been so practiced, perverted and implanted as the norm then lifted up by man (not the holy bible) over the years, that is has become a "required tradition" they now follow as the rule. God has NO such rule at all. Man made religion does this all the time as they add to what God has already said and done! The pagan roman catholic system did it, the unbiblical reformers did it and man does it still today via denominational/evangelical religion. Rest assured folks, God by His spirit, is fully able to equip and raise up holy men to serve Him and His purposes. When men decide they need to have additional steps and special religious education to serve God; the troubles really begin.  Example: most seminaries today are very liberal/worldly and quite unbiblical as they cater to ever changing culture and evolving doctrines driven by popularity (growing the pew numbers) and not the Holy Word of God in full. That makes for two main reasons why in most cases seminaries should be avoided.

1) God doesn't require it nor was it modeled in the New testament body (man made higher religious education leads to a clergy/laity class separation that is not of God's Word or NT body)
2) Mans seminary systems leave much to be desired in truth, obedience and holiness as they are conforming to men/the world and not fully to God's Word.

Those who attend such seminary places will say that they learn about advanced Greek and Hebrew hermeneutics along with many other deep intellectual topics giving the appearance they are "far above the average man in spiritual understanding". We can appreciate those important areas as well but any man who knows the Hebrew/Greek root languages then comes out of seminary to just ignore holiness, obedience and the very model that God gave His New Testament body to function in; is a lot like a brain surgeon who has the most advanced cutting edge training in complex micro vascular technology but he does not use gloves and he operates with dirty finger nails. Would you want him operating on you? Me neither! Remember that man's ways always lead to death do they not? 

What does the bible say about learning? In the book of 1 John we read this:
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
1 John 2:27

It is true there will be biblical elders, pastors and others who will step up and lovingly speak truth into lives and help saints grow (Ephesians 4) but the Word is clear. Jesus, His Word and the Holy Spirit are enough to make you all you need to be in Him. If you think that just being obedient in  a solid biblical study as a life practice is "not enough" well you are adding to God's Word so beware will you? We have raised this point to many modern pastors with theological degrees and the least they could do is admit it, but they won't. Most fight hard to defend their titles (reverend) when the Word says humble yourself and take no such titles! (I don't recall Peter or John or the others having seminary degrees do you?) We run across men (modern pastors) all the time who have multiple degrees in bible studies but they cannot defend or even teach the FULL Word of God. Seminary's are known to focus much on leadership training, budgeting, social issues and psychology as much as the Holy Word. It is also true that most often they are quite worldly (unholy) as well. Please read on for just a few examples of many we have encountered.

One sad example of this advanced training but lacking biblical discernment/holiness is a man who has a large religious body in California that is not fully biblical at all. (See our 10 point test below for bodies) He also has a very popular seminary and college (John MacAurthur's Masters Seminary) in California and most all denominational/evangelicals lift him up to a high status. In fact, some have jokingly called it almost "pope like" which is the sad norm for this culture. People like to have a "cult of personality"mindset and they lift up men. (Christ alone is to be lifted up in this way)

While John M. has much correct in his bible teachings,  he also has the traits of a worldly and unbiblical body and college as well. At his body they do not practice the New Testament model but mans perverted version of ritual church. At his college you can find them offering all kinds of activities and competitive sports that creates a carnal atmosphere of total immodesty (unbiblical sexual dress) with rowdy behavior in the youth that is not sober minded nor biblical at all. If you were to watch them at their sporting events, they are just like a secular college with naked upper bodies of men painted up, acting silly, like crazed warriors! The college even encourages this. How is this sober and obedient we ask and does it match the call in the Word for our set apart (holy) actions? This may fill up colleges but your not training up holy youth that are obedient are you?

Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works  Titus 2:6

If you go to the link we provide; you can even see the kind of things he offers to the high school children including pagan like games that include young ladies sexually dressed (shorts) rowdy team games and even physical events involving a "pig head" on a trash can. Yes that is true. See the link for yourself here:

This is the stuff of pagans but the men of so called higher religious education are offering it up today and it is shameful! (They have even brought in worldly flesh teasing rap music as well in the past.)
  Keep in mind this man is the leader and president of these colleges and seminary and he himself speaks at these silly events. They use the carnal things of the world to draw and entertain the masses. Interestingly they will not dare do such things (or dress immodest) in their "set religious services" which seems totally hypocritical. This alone shows how they have a totally unbiblical mindset about building centered worship in ritual services vs being a living holy sacrifice daily. See Romans 12:1

We have also looked closer at his body (Grace Community Church) and sadly after 40 some years of being the CEO pastor there he still as we said, does follow the pattern of the true New Testament church gathering. He does not teach all things godly like open gatherings, non instrumental music, biblical dress, no adornment, (1 Timothy 2) ladies covering their heads 
(1 Corinthians 11) separation from the culture (they like pro sports/movies ( Romans 12:2 )  If you need more info they even practice false holidays like pagan Christmas and Easter as well. My bible says to come out of pagan ways, that is if they are God's true people.  (See 2 Corinthians 6:17 ) 

John M. also has an issue with linking to unbiblical teachers like AL Mohler, Greg Laurie, John Piper and Kirk Cameron as he speaks at events with them. He should know better but by his fruit, he does not care as he has been warned and does it anyway. As we said, he has a large following (almost cult like it seems) and many men go to his seminary to be "so called" trained up in God's Word for ministry. What they teach is the same system handed down from the pagan roman catholics and unbiblical reformers not the true NT body Christ ordained. Some will say 'so he is unbiblical so what'?
Shall we look at some of the graduates of MacArthur's Master seminary and what we find in their ways/bodies?

There is a modern pastor on the east coast who is at Bethlehem Bible who is a John M seminary grad.

He  practices the model of ritual man made religion (CEO pastor model) too that is not biblical but left over from unbiblical men centuries ago. (See our 10 point test below for detailed facts.)

We have listened to him and viewed some of his sermons/videos. He too has much correct per the Word but sadly he didn't learn about holiness and biblical discernment at Masters seminary at all. Examples of this would be his praising Liberty College for how they handled having a sodomite man at their school when the leaders there NEVER even called him out in love with the gospel or any church discipline. (Matthew 18 / 1 Corinthians 5)

This modern pastor only praised the liberal school and the article he promoted had lewd talk with sexual activity of this sodomite. All Liberty did was tell him "to like himself", no call for repentance and no gospel.  In the end he (the sodomite man)  decided that since they all liked him, Jesus would like him too, just as he was. (A lost sinner is he.)  His blood is on their hands I fear by not giving him the biblical gospel and not calling him to repent and this is the largest so called Christian college in the USA by the way! How a seminary trained man missed this is beyond us really? I guess those sheep skins are good to land good paying modern pastor jobs but they aren't so highly prized for biblical discernment and holiness are they?

Then recently we saw a video from this same highly educated man and he was upset about modern pastors "cancelling evening services" for the Super Bowl. This seminary trained man (went there 6 years by the way and he has a doctorate as well) was not even concerned that the so called "holy people of God" wanted to watch the violent worlds carnality that has NO good and pureness to it  at all. (See Philippians 4:8) We would ask him "sir,  how do people take every thought captive for Christ ( 2 Corinthians 10:5 ) while watching over grown muscled up violent men crush each other on a field for their own fleshly glory?" Or how can they be holy in all their conduct 1 Peter 1:15? The super bowl also has lewd commercials, is supported by massive alcohol usage and harlot looking cheerleaders dancing around to tease as a mainstay? (Before I was called out in Christ, I was a NFL fan so I know of it's many sins.) This same man has even taken their religious body to the beach for a party. I am sure there is much more I could point out there if I spend just some time on his site. I can't even imagine what goes on at his religious body if he discerns in this unbiblical way? Note: I have reached out to ask him questions and he never replied back. This is all very common among modern, seeker, worldly unbiblical bodies. This is more very sad evidence these seminaries are NOT teaching the whole counsel of God's Holy Word but a system that carnal man has developed over the centuries.

Another example would be a man who is a modern pastor in Virginia at Immanuel Bible.
He to is a Masters seminary graduate. He also has many very sound teachings but sadly it is rooted in the false traditions of man and he is NOT teaching the full truth of the Word. His body has the marks of man made religion not the New Testament body Christ left us. (See our 10 point test below.)

He has been known to recently have gone on a radio show and talk down Beth Moore as a false teacher (and she is that indeed) while at the very same time his own women's biblical study group is using her very books! They also put on carnival like events with pop music, classy cars and petting zoo's to draw people to their building. (They charged money for the event as well.) Like the others he celebrates pagan Christ-mass and easter as well. This is common among modern, worldly seeker unbiblical bodies like this.

This modern pastor also made the statement on a radio show that a certain religious body had men in their leadership that "are not even ordained" and they "never even went to seminary"! Note: I asked him where that was in God's Word (that a man needs to go to seminary and who ordained his leaders?) along with many other biblical questions and he never answered back. 

The truth is, many of these men believe, with pride, they are of a lifted up class (a lot like the roman catholic priest) when Jesus said it shall not be so in Matthew 20 among His people (they will be servants) and that is why we speak out here.

We hope these few examples (and they are the usual we assure you, not the exception) has shown you how you should NOT trust in seminary trained men and you need to test them always. (Test us as well) Often they think they are above reproach and won't even give an answer for their ways, and this is totally wrong. They are to be held even closer to the Word as they are public teachers. (See Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3 ) The fact is that this entire man made religious Christian education system is really designed to put out a certain product that aids in filling up pews and NOT in making holy obedient saints. It is made on men who will teach and preach much of the Word, but NOT all of it. Why, you ask? You cannot give away what you do not have (all truth) and their building centered systems need to keep the pews ever more full and the numbers growing, to survive. That is how they mark success: numbers. God's true church needs none of that and is not into any of that at all. If you teach all of God's Word, most of the pews will be empty and then you won't need a big building. You can meet in homes just like the NT early saints did. The people they draw are NOT ready to surrender it all to God and so they hang on to the world's ways as their fruit shows. We used to be one of them so we know. (They still love the world and most of the modern pastor's do as well.) These are hybrid religious bodies (some bible, some man made traditions and some of the world) but they are not true biblical churches at all per God's Word!

These highly educated men should all know 2 Timothy 4 and so;
this itchy ear verse is for them all:

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
2 Timothy 4

This seems to be most common today and the seminary trained men are teaching it and acting as part of it; not working to change it. They need people in pews to pay for their man's seminary trained salaries, buildings, blacktop, sound systems, atrium's, coffee bars and bigger growth plans. As we said; God's NT true body never needed that back then and it does not need it today to be His pure, obedient and holy in Christ.

See this link CLICK HERE why a building centered faith is NOT biblical.

Please keep in mind beyond the worldliness and unbiblical issues we raised; the dangerous issue about these systems is most seminary men practice a faulty gospel message. The Apostle Paul said that was accursed. ( Galatians 1) They may have a sound doctrinal statement on their website with a good biblical gospel but when it comes to living it out, preaching it out, holding those who call themselves saints to a holy/narrow road and using church discipline, their systems fail in many ways.

What can you expect from the ways and traditions handed down to them from the pagan roman catholics and unbiblical reformers that dwell in their weekly man run planned out worship services. This is sad evidence that most seminary men just cannot be trusted to find, hold to and teach all biblical truth for themselves let alone others. Those facts we will stand on and God's Word calls us to rebuke them so they can get it right. Why do we speak out so boldly you may ask? We are clearly called to:

Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.
1 Timothy 5:20

We who love the Lord's truth must reject their perverted systems and ill ways for God's better NT model for His true people.  

Please go CLICK HERE and test them and your own faith / body to the standards of God's New Testament body that Christ gave us.

If you desire more truth and the pure / true New Testament body life; we encourage you to test these men and places. Then if found faulty,you must leave man made religion that will not repent and change. Trust in God to guide you and grow you up in the faith as you seek His Word like pure milk. If you hang out with those who have compromised truth or don't want in all truth (like seminary trained men and their worldly bodies) the temptation will be to become more like them to get along and that is how the denominational system feeds on itself. (Like a cancer.) It is self producing (making many religious false converts) but NOT biblical set apart holy saints. His Word and Spirit can teach you and in time you "may" find other like minded others but don't wait for that. We were warned by Jesus Christ it will be few (Matthew 7) and what matters is that you are one of the few that follow Him in spirit and truth worship (John 4:24) even if you have to go it alone. Anything else will be a compromise in those seminary supported buildings/pews that we have showed you lack all truth for God's glory. They themselves can't even defend the error filled ways they practice when asked.

NOTE: we do tell them all that they have a standing offer to speak to us on a John 4:24 recording, so they can answer some of these questions, correct us in the Word and we can all reason together for truth. Modern pastors can't seem to do this perhaps because it is not a practiced sermon but a live talk where they will be asked biblical questions?  

In the end; how can they call themselves true New Testament churches if they have left so much out of the Lord's Word? The seminary places do not ensure that it raises up biblical men but most often they are raising up men who have a limited understanding (or lack of desire) for the full counsel of God's Word.  These places even promote and lift up murderous unbiblical men like Luther and Calvin so how can they be trusted we ask?  
click here for the link on facts about those men

Their ways cannot be called His true church (though some of the people there may be His?) so we would warn you to avoid such places lest you be swept up in compromise and vain religion with along them. (See Colossians 2:8 and Mark 7)

Needless to say when we go to or reach out to speak to them about these matters in godly love; there is no 1 John 4 love there for us or any biblical answers and that makes us sad both for the Lord and for them as well. More evidence they are not clinging to ALL of God's Word but just what the seminaries trained them in:  holding to ways that please man, to grow numbers in the pews and expand the building complex plan over time. That is not biblical Christianity but mans false ways to be rejected. 

When Jesus returns He will destroy all mans vain traditions and religious systems so why are you clinging to them today?
Interestingly, most all of the seminary men stand behind a lifted up modern pulpit and that is not the plan of God either for His NT body. Click here for a article on that man made tradition

Jesus told us to worship in spirit and truth and that cannot be done while following the lies/systems of man and practicing error. We must test everyone (1 Thessalonians 5:21) and examine ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5) then hold close to God's full Word lest we be deceived or miss the mark that He has called us to in His Holy name!

Trust only in God's Word and not the educational systems, degreed, famous men or their religious traditions that man has ordained in great error all over this land.

God's way is THE only way!

Let us know how we can assist you in any way at all.

For His glory