The Dangers of Facebook Theology


Many people use facebook as a means to superficially live out there Christian walk behind a protected computer screen that hides their own sin. This can be VERY dangerous and it will grow into a ever bigger issue if you don't hold close to the Word. We see example after example of items posted by those who claim the TRUTH of Christ that are commented on as "liked" or "good" that are devilish and in great error against God's Holy Word. Often the people who do this are what is called "a mile wide but only a 1/2 deep" in their walk. They spend lots of time looking at others, dabbling in trinket truth and pointing out this and that but NEVER examining themselves as the Word says to do. (2 Corinthians 13:5)

If you claim Jesus and have a facebook page please make sure it is ALL God honoring by using the Word and testing all things. (1 Thessalonians 5:21)   Jesus will reject those who claim Him but live lawless (unbiblical lives) see Matthew 7:21
We care so we speak out about this in godly love.
Listen to the biblical gospel here

One such example is this recent link below that was passed around facebook with Christians saying it is a good message the nation really needs to hear! While there may be some truth in it, be VERY careful will you? Remember even Adolf Hilter said many truthful things and we pray you would not approve of his ways or pass him around facebook? Satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour!  (1 Peter 5:8) He comes to deceive does he not?

We posted an article on how to learn to discern. click here for that
The following ias a great example of how you should test those who CLAIM to be in Christ especially teachers.

This is a "so called" lady bishop preaching:
(This link has been removed as we see there is advertised immodesty on the article.  You can find Iona Locke on the internet and see for yourself.)
With just a few minutes of testing with basic (good) biblical discernment;  here is what we can report to you about this "so called" Christian truth proclaimer:

1. She calls herself a Bishop. This violates 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 14 where it says women are to be silent in the body. This also violates Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3 which says an elder (leader) is to be a husband of one wife.

God does not contradict Himself in His Word and God is not a liar (see Numbers 23:19 and Romans 3:4) by first telling women to be silent and describing the requirements of elders/leaders and then telling a woman to go become an elder/leader in the body. This is blasphemy.

2. She violates 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Peter 3 by adorning herself with worldly cosmetics/nails, jewelry, heels...she fits the description of being dressed like a harlot. All this while she is telling people to get back to the Word of God...the same Word of God she is in gross violation of. See Revelation and Christ's bride vs the whore of Babylon with the detailed description between the two. 

3. She violates 1 Corinthians 11 by not veiling her head and God's Word says that is a shame.

4. She violates 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Peter 3 as she is not shamefaced, meek, and chaste with a quiet spirit. She more resembles the loud Proverbs 7 (sinful) woman.

5. She is in violation of Hebrews 1 when she says God speaks to her. If she truly believes God is speaking to her then she better be writing in her bible and sharing with all to see that God has granted her NEW REVELATION over and above His written Word of which the cannon has been closed.

6. She believes there are prophets and prophetesses today as well as apostles which shows she is under the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) Theology which is unbiblical. This is why she thinks that God is revealing NEW revelation over and about the previous apostles because she believes there are newly annointed apostles today.

7. She promotes the unbiblical Word of Faith theology in reference to miracles, doublings and annointings.

8. She also promotes the unbiblical modern 'go to church' theology that produces false converts and props up man made religion.

You can test her and your own faith by this 10 point biblical test:

Add this to her MANY unbiblical ways and she must be rejected in line with Romans 16:17. (Paul says do not associate with those who leave sound doctrine.)

We hope that this warning in love, a facebook rebuke (Proverbs 9:8) and wake up call is well received by you if your're guilty. If you claim Him, please stop dabbling in God's Word, study to show yourself approved (2 Timothy 2:15) If you use facebook make sure Jesus Christ would approve of ALL you post, likes and endorsements. Only testing to and living by His Holy Word will tell you that. If you think your're being a facebook evangelist planting seeds remember you can only use facebook to reach out to others if you yourself are proclaiming ALL truth in those seeds. If you spread lies and error then you are like a doctor with infected, dirty hands treating sick patients. You're doing more HARM then good so "stop and get cleaned up first"!
The Word warns about those who are deceivers and get right into people houses:

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3)

Facebook is getting into houses daily and by the millions. Are you helping false teachers to deceive others? Do not let these dangerous wolf's and wolfette's affect you and your walk for truth for truth either.  Christ said be ye perfect  in Matthew 5:48 as the Father is perfect!

Why don't you start with cleaning up your facebook theology today?

Please CLICK HERE to read or listen to the gospel good news.

Please let us know if we can help you.