Beware! Celebrate Recovery Exposed! (Rick Warren-John Baker)

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We have come in contact with people who are involved in the Celebrate Recovery program that many denominational religious organizations are using as an outreach curriculum.  The claims are that Celebrate Recovery is a program to cover all bases of issues people have in their lives.  Although it is claimed to be based off the Word of God, we will examine if it is a program that true believers should be involved in.

The first issue to contend with is the fact that the founders of this program are from Saddle Back Church in California and that religious body, when tested to God’s Word, fails the basic fundamentals of obedience in our 10 point biblical test, read that HERE.  Rick Warren is the lead ‘pastor’ at Saddleback and he, along with his co-pastor John Baker are the founders of the Celebrate Recovery program (of which they based off the unbiblical foundation of the 12 step AA program). 

See AA exposed here:

It should be noted that Rick Warren is the ‘father’ of the seeker sensitive ‘church’ movement.  This has brought luke warm, unbiblical, ecumenical, carnal theology mainstream in America and he is a dangerous man. That means all their unbiblical theology is going to be within the teachings of the program.  

 On one hand they state the curriculum is based off the bible, God’s Word, but on the other hand they had to make their own CR bible using the corrupt NIV translation to go with it.  That’s a clear indication that the program is not discerning and in many ways; they do not line up with God’s Word.  (see the Celebrate Recovery Study Bible by John Baker.)

They are ecumenical and do not stand on biblical doctrine but encourage participants to follow whatever doctrine their religious body states. This is sinful.... 

They claim this is all based on God's Word but they do not have a gospel and how one can find eternal life, all they have is how one can get rid of an addiction.  All they state is that you 'ask Jesus into your heart'.

Jesus said a person must be born again to see the kingdom of heaven.  (John 3:3) We are to repent (Luke 13:3) but notice how they use the words ‘fault’ and ‘character defects’ instead of sin? Paul says we become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and that Jesus became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him (Hebrews 5:9).

Celebrate Recovery is a program that should not be a part of a Christian’s life.  The life changing good news of the gospel is what people need and obedience to Him.  Click HERE to listen to or read it and find the biblical way to salvation. 

They promote pagan ways like Christ-mass. One of their favorite phrases is:
'...healing your hurts, habits and hang-ups'.  

God's Word calls them sin.

Their rally's are feminized, include unbiblical teachers, worldly carnal people claiming Christ and carnal 'Christian' music all linked with unbiblical religious organizations.
See our 10 point test here for you and your religious body as well...

Reject man made self help seminars and instead seek the truth in God’s Word (and biblical discipleship) and HE will transform your life, not some man made program.
God be praised!

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