Homeless Man... Not Hungry for God's Word / 2017 Mission Trip Update

As we prepare for our 2017 summer mission trip across western America we get reminded what we will face on the road. Our travels put us in many interesting situations ....all for God's glory!

Driving thousands of miles across America to share God's truth, we see MANY homeless men on corners with signs. As we drove back to Missouri we encountered one such man in Iowa the other day. He was there with his sign and as I rolled down my window he stepped forward expecting some cash no doubt. What I offered was first; the gospel via our tract and he said quickly... oh yes I have Jesus! Their pattern is (every time we meet a homeless people) to say anything to get the cash that sadly...usually supports drugs or alcohol addiction.

But as soon as I begin to lovingly remind him we are to test our faith 2 Corinthians 13:5 to make sure we really have a saving one, he pulled back and was not interested in any more talk. (Fruit he was not born again. ) I then told him if he needed help to get off the street to call me as my number is on the tract. (Sometimes we offer food if they need it but NEVER cash.)

Fact: for many years I have made that offer to many men on the street. To help them get off the streets and into work by calling me. Not one has ever called me yet! Please remember that next time you feel bad about these men. Every single one I ever met .... wants to be there vs working for a living.

We continue to get ready for our summer mission driving trip starting June 1st across America.

We are excited as with it comes the awesome opportunity to:

*** Preach the biblical gospel per Jesus Mark 16
*** To make disciples per Jesus Matthew28
*** And expose many false ways of man made religion across this nation per Paul  Colossians 2.8 / Ephesians 5

As we do it (this homeless man reminds us well) we must strive to also be wise as a serpent per our Lord and Saviors command!

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Matthew 10:16

Follow our trip here:

and at our video play list as well

God be praised
