John MacArthur.... is Wrong Again!

I felt this article was needed in our discernment blog as so many people are being led astray.

We have many biblical issues with John MacArthur. We have tested him and find him to be in opposition of God's Word. Some examples of this are in the areas of calvanism/the gospel, carnal music, separation from the worlds ways, the NT model of gathering, his protestant ways, his pagan ways, head covering, biblical dress, taking the mark of the beast and on and on.

Go to this link and I can show you and document MANY reasons he is unbiblical/heretical including his use of pig heads in pagan like games with youth... but lets go on. )

The topic of this article shows another heretical view point of John MacArthur and why so many people are led astray in following these popular men.

I was doing some research on pagan ways and I stumbled on a article of John MacArthur from 2009. In it he is defending the use of pagan Christmas trees. We reject his logic by using God's Word vs his blather on why it is ok to use them. The real issue of this post is to show you his unbiblical view on men of old and how faulty his entire biblical theology is.

Here is a direct quote from his article and keep in mind John M runs a college and seminary and is lifted up by many as one of the greatest teachers of his day. Really?

Here is his quote from a article on his website:

Christians and Christmas Trees
John MacArthur: Dec 17 2009

"First, some object on the basis that Christmas trees have pagan origins. It is believed that Boniface, English missionary to Germany in the eighth century, instituted the first Christmas tree. He supposedly replaced sacrifices to the god Odin's sacred oak with a fir tree adorned in tribute to Christ. But certain other accounts claim that Martin Luther introduced the Christmas tree lighted with candles. Based on that information you could say the Christmas tree has a distinguished Christian pedigree.".

If you are a discerning Christian testing all things 1 Thessalonians 5:21, you may already see the unbelievable poor theology / heresy he has stated here.

If your not up on good discernment let us help you. 

John M. is teaching you that Boniface and Martin Luther were great Christian men to be lifted up in his protestant circles. He likes their pedigree? 

Do you know about these two men?

1) Boniface was an early roman catholic missionary who, bowed to the pope and became an arch bishop( so where is that in scripture? ) He is venerated by pagan Rome as a saint and they have his remains in a tomb in one of their pagan temples in Germany. 

Question: Since when is the pagan roman catholic faith biblical  Mr. MacArthur?

2) Martin Luther was a man (who even after he left Rome's pagan church) baptized babies, prayed to Mary, approved of men being killed by slitting their throats or shooting them in the head and he hated the Jews so much his writings inspired Adolf Hitler! (He also is known for the unbiblical protestant movement that fathered MANY false denominations today.)

Question: Since when does this make you a biblical godly Christian Mr MacArthur?

We pray you will see for these type of reasons and many more; these teaching men cannot be trusted for truth. They are protestant men NOT biblical Christians!

****John M. goes on to say Romans 14 covers freedom for the believer doing such things as Christmas trees and he takes it totally out context. That scripture when studied in context is about FOOD and the OT holydays. It is not about doing pagan ways. 

He is in great error!

* Even a novice bible student can tell you that we are to imitate Paul and Jesus per 1 Corinthians 11:1 / NOT false men like roman catholic's and murderous Luther. 

Fact: The Apostle Paul nor Jesus Christ ...EVER... celebrated Christ-mass or put up  a pagan tree! 

Why should His people do it today?

We hope in this short discernment article you can see the bent these highly educated but non discerning men have that is totally outside of good biblical thought and early Christianity beliefs. They do not hold to all scripture but they look to and lift up unbiblical men of old who are NOT inspired. They are not wise enough to see false pagan ways right before them. In so many ways they are most spiritually blind. 

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said it best:

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Matthew 15.14

What is amazing is that even when I point out to people the blatant sin of their teachings most people are so enamored with star Christianity they ignore the signs and follow these famous men still. Millions are following men like John M. and we often wonder where all the true, discerning, truth loving, holy believers are today? For that we look to God's Word....

Jesus also said this:

 tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Luke 18:8

Those words (along with Matthew 7)  tells us there will be FEW in the true faith as we enter the last days.

Are you of of the FEW?


Here is the article on why Christmas trees are a pagan way added to Christ and those who love Him must flee from it:

We hope we can wake up some people to see man made religion as sin, then to repent and serve God in spirit and truth John 4:24  vs the ill ways of man made religion as the likes of John MacArthur's brand.

Go here to our videos and you will find several about John M that may help you see him for what he is: 

Let us know how we can help you?

See the biblical gospel here:

God be praised