Statue Of Liberty-American Paganism

As we travel and witness to Americans (we live in America) we constantly see the blindness of those who profess to be followers of Christ.  They blindly follow man made religion down the wide road to destruction (see an article here that lists many areas, the latest fads: sports, fashion, entertainment all of which are sinful and they also follow the blindness of thinking America is a Christian nation.  
See an article here on God Bless America

What those people don't realize is the country is filled with paganism from history until now getting worse every year.  Let's look at just one (of the MANY) pagan symbols in our country.

The statue of liberty. Yes, the statue of Liberty stands for paganism and Americans use it as their icon.  It's adored, lifted up, researched, taught to children and promoted (it's in the eastern entry port of America for anyone to see.)

The statue of liberty represents the pagan roman goddess Libertas,
libertas means liberty. America has had monetary coins with her on them, paintings in public buildings etc.  She, to the pagans, represents liberty whereas to a born from above believer (John 3:3) Christ is our liberty.

And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.  (John 8:32)

Note: to say a pagan goddess symbol brings us freedom, is sinful and idolatry indeed!

We bring up this topic because we want to show you the vast amount of paganism that is rampant in the country and world we live in and God's Word tells us to (test) prove all things 1 Thessalonians 5:21. 

Paganism in America abounds in its traditions (weddings, funerals, birthdays) icons (statue of liberty, various pictures in the government, money etc)  and even in the professed chrisitan religious organizations (Christmas, Easter, incense, ritual candle lighting, ashes on foreheads, baby baptizing etc).   Go back to our discernment page and read many articles there:

This is a wake up call to those who claim Christ, to start testing and examining EVERYTHING as we are instructed in God's Word.  This world is not our home (Philippians 3:20 we are citizens of heaven) and therefore as we walk through it we are to be on guard and not be swept away living like, doing or believing what the pagans do.  

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you.  (2 Corinthians 6:17)

Even so called 'simple, harmless' things like not seeing the truth about the statue of Liberty can open people up to more paganism and lead to more blindness in many areas.  Open your eyes and learn to discern through God's Word.  Here is an article on discernment:

We are here to help you see the world through biblical guidance which will help protect and strengthen your walk in Christ.

God be praised!