Mark of the Beast...Is it Here?

What amazing times we are living in when the modern technology of the day is starting to make more sense of the words found in Holy scripture. We find it very interesting that 2000 years ago this verse was penned by Apostle John on the Island of Patmos as a prisoner.

Revelation 13
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

At the time it was written what was anyone to make of such a thing? Surely no one had the power or ability to cause all people on the earth to take a mark to control their trade. How could this ever become true? Well today with computers and massive technology growth all over the globe; even some unbelievers are looking at this area of scripture and thinking; what are the chances it was a guess'?

While we cannot know for sure what the mark will be (many are guessing at various scenarios) have you seen the advances they have made in technology that allows them to insert a micro chip the size of a grain of rice under your skin? Or how about a micro chip that is tattooed on your skin?

The fact is they are already micro chipping pets and products and in some cases prisoners as well. They have tatto chips and they are talking about using this technology on a large scale for identification and even for health records and security. There is even a law that Wisconsin passed in 2005 / Act 482 intended to try and slow down or control the chipping of humans. This is clearly showing it is a real area of concern and a present possibility as well.

The technology is here and it is being made ready to be used!

The bible passage in Revelation 13 appears to say that this system will be used to control peoples money and trade. We have read many articles/news reports where they are talking about going to a one world cashless society and this type of technology and control would allow them to make this happen indeed. 

God's Word is proving to be true and we would ask you: are you ready for those last days, Christ's return or your death and standing before Him? 

There is hope found in Him alone not man made religion that is false as our website exposes in many places.

Please see these links that will help you in the truth of God's Word and into eternal life to come.

God be praised