Day 39 / Indian Occultism, Heretics abound, Iowa man, Modern Pastor Rebuked / 2017 Summer Mission Trip

It was another great day serving our God in spirit and truth. John4:24

I met an American indian man that was claiming to be a Christian. We talked about that and he admitted how his culture ( indians ) are into much demonic ways. He is part of an unbiblical religious claimed Christian body so I encouraged him to test himself via to the Word and he said he would.

Not long after that a man came up to us and asked about our gospel sign on our trailer.
I shared the truth with him about MAN MADE religion and he agreed saying man preverts the truth. In the very next breath he went on to say he follows William Braham. He was a 1930's heretic that started the Word of faith movement and had visions and angels visiting him. I told the man he was following a false teacher in Branham. He could not reason in the Word and he got up to shake my hand and leave. I refused his hand and said he was promoting false teachers and I can't unite with him in any way. Romans 16.17 He walked away into his darkness.  Again we see the lies, he claims to reject man made religion while he follows a heretic man! How sad!

We stopped to get gas and a man from Iowa walked right up and I shared the gospel with him. He agreed with how corrupt man made religion is and said he was an ex drunk. I told him to test himself and make sure he had the hope of eternal life to come.

Later that day a modern pastor (Caleb Payne Redemption Church Cody Wy) called me.   I asked him to talk about scripture and I started to show him the MANY sins of his ways. It ended ugly when he smeared my Holy Lords name and ways.
Note: He said Jesus would hold and invite sinners to the pagan super bowl party to witness to them...

He practices/teaches MANY sinful ways.
It was another sad example of man made religion deceiving people. He got the truth then he got rebuked and the truth went out!

Go here to read all about it.

Jesus said FEW will find eternal life and he warned MANY religious people will be turned away by Him as they are sinful/law breakers going against His ways to do their own false ways.
See Matthew 7

We pray you are not deceived today so we GO to proclaim truth for God's glory and your eternal soul!

Please see these links that will help you in the truth of God's Word and into eternal life to come.

God be praised