Lutheran Murderous Cages Still Hang on Church / Lutheran Lunacy Part 4

Martin Luther was a murderous heretical man NOT to be honored or praised!

If you need more evidence of the sinful and vile nature of the Lutheran reformation just look to St. Lambert’s Church in Münster, Germany 


It was not only the roman popes that were killing people in God's name, the Lutheran faith was rooted in murder and hated as Martin Luther himself hated the Jews and spoke of murdering peasants as well. Hitler used Luther's writings to help him turn the German people against the Jewish people in the 1930's.

See this link about Luther with his own quotes:

If you look at this picture of that Lutheran church in Germany.....

You will see they still have cages hanging on the sides of the building where they hung men and the bodies of those they persecuted / killed in God's name. (Most were anabaptists that refused to go along with their ill doctrines.)

It is a shameful reminder of this man made faith and how far away it is from a Holy God and His truth.

Do not be deceived......... denominational religion is a lie and NOT of God. 

The links below will help you to see His true body vs these murderous and unbiblical man made evangelical / denominational ways that cannot save you!

Here is a Biblical gospel:

Most ministries are worldly and keep/practice mans false (even pagan) ways vs God's true New Testament body.

Here is a 10 point biblical test:

Go to our teaching blog for MANY articles on biblical truth:

Go here for audio teachings:

His true people follow Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24) NOT.... man made false ways or today's denominational religion.

God be praised.