Are You Feminized Men? A Quick Test for Today's Men and Modern Pastors

Every where we go we see examples of men being feminized all over this culture and in evangelical denominational religion.

Ask yourself men... are you and your modern pastors feminized?

Here is a quick test for you:

*Do you know of and can you teach biblically all truth for ladies ( head covering, biblical dress, submission etc ) or have you changed with the culture and ignore God's truth in these areas?

*Do you abhor the harlotry and usurping of authority going on in man made religion and the culture via woman's sinful ways or have you accepted it as the norm?

*Do you teach and uphold the godly role for ladies ( keepers at home ) or have you given in to modern ways of public schools, day care and career ladies who hand children off to others ( the world)  to be raised during the day?

*Do your wives and daughters show off their bodies via make up, jewelry, uncovered hair, adorned and tight clothes against God's Holy teaching for them?

*Men are you leading your homes and loving your wives as they submit to you or are you feminized?

*Modern pastors do you teach ALL of God's Word or have you ignored these areas for gain and favor of men and woman to keep the pews full?

You need to repent if feminism has corrupted you!

Our biblical articles at this link will help you to see the MANY troubling/sinful things you may be part of today as the truth is NOT bring taught fully.

Do not be deceived as God is NOT pleased with feminism and men who allow it all over this land and in so called Christian places in America!

Let us know how we can help you?


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:

Go here for audio teachings:

His true people follow Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24) NOT.... man made false ways or today's denominational religion.

God be praised