Smoke Machines, Mood Lights and Christ

What you are seeing is a night club like setting in a Wisconsin religious body ( Faith Christian Church Mauston, Wi ) that gathers worldly people /goats ( they call it a church ) and they use silly things that woo peoples emotions to "feel God" just like carnal night clubs did to woo me to buy more booze when I was a drunk; BEFORE Christ made me new. 

So what does the use of smoke machines,  mood lights and the biblical service to a Holy Jesus Christ have in common?

Absolutely NOTHING! 

This is all part of the seeker easy believe ways that look to filling up buildings as their success NOT keeping oneself true to God's Holy Word in obedience, purity and truth.

Here is that carnal body and its modern pastor Paul Shirek tested to God's Word / see how they have MANY sinful issues:

If you know of such a place; per Gods Word they are NOT the true body of Christ. Run from them in fear of the True and Living God!

Their smoke and lights only feed the human flesh and Apostle Paul says we cannot please God in the flesh. See Romans 8

Here is the characteristics of the true NT body of Christ:

Let us know how we can help you OBEY God and not be wooed by fake things and emotional tricks of man made religion! See our resources below

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:

Go here for audio teachings:

His true people follow Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24) NOT.... man made false ways or today's denominational religion.

God be praised