3 Freedoms Every Believer MUST Have

Over the years I have learned about these 3 simple but so important biblical freedoms EVERY believer must have to be FULLY free in Christ as they walk on earth. Many people just ignore the cold hard truth about them, do not be that person. 

These freedoms are rooted in God's Word and if followed, they will lead you to complete spiritual and physical freedom while you are in this world. 

*1) Freedom in Christ

This is simply repenting and coming to know Him as Lord and Savior via faith and new life. This is done through the gospel goods news found in God's Word. Man made religion cannot get you you there. It is faith, repentance, new life, obedience/holiness and enduring till the end.

Go here to listen to or read the biblical gospel: 

Jesus said:

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

John 8

*2) Freedom from Debt

This is a key for your earthly life as if you are in debt, you WILL be controlled by the world and its ways your entire life. Indeed your walk with God and perhaps your families walk too, will suffer.

The Apostle Paul said this:

Owe no man anything, but to love one another, for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

Romans 13

You will have to decide how far you take that command of God. The bible speaks much on money matters. I have found that freedom from all debt ( even not having a mortgage is an amazing thing to have ) and it allows you to be available to serve God fully vs wrestling with the many cares of this world. You would be amazed at how simple you can live when you strip your flesh and life down to basics vs the pleasures and ease most cling to. We know a lot about this journey!!!

*3) Freedom from the worlds systems, culture/companies or a secular boss/slave master.

Who controls you on a daily basis?

The book of James says this in chapter 1 verse 26:

 Pure religion, undefiled before God and the Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

If you are in Christ and you are debt free, you can now attain this 3rd freedom and that is to NOT be spotted or closely controlled by the worlds ways or its jobs. An example would be a worldly company that causes you to compromise/sin or makes you stumble in your job. Romans 12 says.... do not conform to the world. 

We do not conform to the world; we come out of its sinful / carnal ways and NOT letting it control us. Some controls will always be there like laws and taxes but we can do much to eliminate excess control of the world or a sinful job. 
If you are bound to an ungodly company, boss, unbelieving family members, carnal hobbies, pagan holidays whatever it may be, you are not keeping yourself un-spotted at all and it will confound or vex your walk with God. Do not settle for that but strive hard to over come and change it. All of this is part of your worship for God. (living sacrifice Romans 12.1) 

Note: young men, you will have to labor till you approach a time later in life (60-ish) when you could be free to not labor for money but for the Lord in ministry. Working is part of your service to God. Older men; I pray you have been wise and you have planned to use your resources well for God? There are many ways to make a living without being a slave to a sinful oppressive job is my the point!   

We serve a BIG God and He is able....

Some people change jobs, homes, where they live or like us, they start small businesses to allow them this freedom. If you live in America (or many free places )  there is so much and CAN do to be more free from the world, IF your heart desires to obey this command of God to honor Him fully. 

I never realized the huge yoke I was under when I was reporting to and being controlled by the a worldly boss and my bad financial choices I was making. Only when I was able to remove that sinful job, did I feel fully free and able to serve God with my days and my dollars vs making banks rich and spending my weekly hours ( over time ) on vain pursuits in business that did not honor God fully.  

Only you can examine and decide if your faith or lack of, debt and your job ( or other relationships/activities ) is putting you in GREAT peril today? You do need to ask yourself this men:

Do you have these 3 freedoms today?

If not, what are you wanting for? All the trials is WELL worth the reward. Repent and trust in Christ now, do not wait. Then work hard and make wise decisions to attain the other freedoms all for His glory as this life is very short and fading away fast amen!

See our biblical resources below to help you in the true faith and let us know how we can help you?

God be praised



Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/
Go here for audio teachings: