Why Dontperish?

We are often warning people about the massive deception and false teachers that are all over the internet, TV, radio and in religious buildings on every corner. Jesus commanded we be in spirit and truth ( John 4:24 ) so how can you assure yourself of that?

Sadly most people today are getting their theology, bible study and even fellowship on line or via media youtube / Facebook and in man made false religion which will NOT please the Father or get you to eternal truth/life. 

People will say when I warn them: so why should we seek truth with you at dontperish since you are in online also? ( a valid question )

First, to discern you must be born of God (see the gospel below) and also being well rooted in His Word and always testing all things 1 Thessalonians 5.21 as the best defense against false teaching. Discernment comes with time, study and maturity in Christ, see 2 Timothy 2:15

But to answer that question, my goal is to teach you how to avoid 99.9999% of the false teachers out thereon line so please see the following points you can use to test ANY bible teacher or religious group (including me) to make sure you are NOT being deceived:

1) Do they preach (and have it easy to find on their website) the biblical gospel? Jesus said preach the gospel!!! ( Faith in Christ, repentance, new life, obedience as fruit and enduring in the faith ) If not, they must be rejected as teachers as they do NOT have even the foundation correct. 
( Paul said any false gospel is accursed in Galatians 1 ) see the gospel below.

Note: dontperish preaches a biblical gospel all the time and posts it all over our website on every page.

2) Do they sell ANYTHING regarding God's truth or ask for any donations/support? If they do, they are NOT modeling Christ or Paul's ministry at all and you should avoid them as they have a monetary goal / aim and it is not biblical. We take no ones money!
( Jesus was angry at the money changers in John 2 and Paul worked, so I work and.... so can they! )

Note: dontperish sells nothing and does NOT want your money!

3) Are they linked to any man made organization, denomination or are they lifting up a man's name in their ministry and do they desire you to JOIN their club? If so, you should avoid them as they have an additional motive for reaching you and it is not biblical.
(Paul said no divisions in 1 Corinthians 1.10 )

Note: dontperish is NOT part of ANY group nor do we lift up any man or organization.

4) Are they reachable to communicate with and are they speaking with you personally? Are they encouraging you to be a disciple of Christ, do they have a resource place to answer questions/teach/be tested/answer questions and are they open to biblical fellowship / accountability (if local) as their goal? Or do they just want you to support their ministry with donations most of all? 

Note: dontperish.com is always available 24/7 to teach / encourage you. We are even open to visit face to face if ever possible and we desire to be tested biblically always. We indeed desire all truth / accountability in the body of Christ, which is best done via local face to face relationships.   

5) Do they call you out of the world ( tv, sports, movies, entertainment, politics, video games etc ) If not, they are preaching to grow an audience/market and thus you must reject them as a compromis-er!

(To be holy is to be set apart for God / 1 Peter 1:15 )

Note: dontperish will and does call you out of the worlds sinful ways

6) Is the local biblical New Testament body of close fellowship of the saints, training up for ministry and accountability their goal? ( with multiple elders and all men participating making disciples.) If not, they are NOT working for God's biblical model but their own false one!
( Paul said keep the traditions he handed down in 2 Thessalonians 2:15 )

Note: we teach that biblical model New Testament at dontperish

7) A few other key points to look for that will tell you ASAP if they are biblical (to be looked into) or not:

Do they unite to other denominations?
Do they use tongues in a out of order way?
Do they claim to have special healing powers?
Do they seek or do signs and wonders, slain in the spirit?
Do they seek revival when God's Word never speaks of it only falling away till Christ comes.
Do they have a title like reverend, apostle or doctor? 
Do they keep pagan holidays ( Christmas and Easter )?
Do use instrumental music as it woo's peoples flesh?
Do you they teach biblical dress for all and head covering for ladies?
Do they have MANY followers? (Jesus said there will be FEW)

(You can tell quickly if a man knows God's Word based on has he clothed his temple in a plain tunic as God ordained in Genesis 3:21)  

Note: we strive to be biblical on all of these issues at dontperish.com
so if you see a fault in us please email me men. 

Go to our teaching blog with biblical articles to support all our theological views above:

If you are born again in Christ ( see the gospel below ) your goal should be to ONLY unite and take teaching from other true set apart saints ( men teachers only ) that you can test, speak to and have accountability with. To just sit and listen to them on line is NOT wise. 

(You are welcome to get to know us face to face and see we LIVE all that we teach. We will travel to meet, teach and encourage others in the NT ways and faith if it is possible based on your location.

If you are alone today, just strive in the Word as God is able to grow you up / 1 John says you only need Him, (but we are here for you anytime as well.) If you have other true believers near you, then you should ONLY be studying/fellow shipping with them and be striving for the body that God ordained. (Multiple men elders with all men using their gifts in free and orderly gatherings, NOT run by one man but the Holy Spirit. )

Either way saints, you should stay off the internet for your theology and fellowship! It is NOT wise to go to youtube and such for bible teaching UNLESS you have tested them to all solid  theological points. If you can have real contact, testing, accountability with local biblical fellowship with them, strive for that as God's model works best and we MUST obey it. 

While this test is not a exhaustive one, to will go a long way to help you filter out MOST false teachers today. If they have one doctrine wrong and will not correct it do they warrant your continued listening? What of they were a thief or a drunk, would you listen still? Of course not!

The goal of this quick test was allow you to test ANYONE you plan to listen to for bible truth, including us. If they do not have these areas correct and will not repent, I can promise you they have MUCH more sin they are harboring and they will deceive you in the end. Jesus warned of deception and false teachers in the last days in Matt 24.

Please do not be deceived!

See our bible resources below and contact us so we can help you and strive in truth together. It is what we do for His glory.....

God be praised

see our contact info at our website......


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/
Go to our videos here:
Go here for audio teachings