Holding His Nose in a Dead MENNO-nite Body

A man MENNO-nite named Delbert Weaver emailed me to talk about a testing I did on a man he knows. ( Matthew Milioni ) The focus got turned to his own faith and lack of truth and the sin in it.
In our email conversation he actually admitted the following:
1) his MENNO-nite body is full of mostly DEAD spiritual people like Sardis
2) he hates the MENNO man honoring name
3) he has to HOLD HIS NOSE each Sunday to even go there!

Sadly Delbert did not even have a biblical complete gospel when asked. That is common in these man made places.
Yes folks these admissions are coming from INSIDE the MENNO-nite faith and it is why we speak out against them and their unbiblical ways that damn and destroy men and corrupt God's truth.
He also was pushing Scroll pulishing on me. They promote pagan Christmas, the Word of faith uniting ways of Sattler College and its founder Finny Furuvilla who loves the heretic Charles Finney.... see them tested below:
We love God and them enough to speak out....
See this article on the MENNO-nite faith and why they are in sin:
I have a article coming soon on Delbert and his inside admissions that help us to see truth vs MENNO-nite false ways.
God bepraised
