Biker and His Brothers Ashes / 2018 Summer Mission Trip

Day 53 

Stopped for gas in Bozeman Mt.
I felt led to walk up and witness to a biker. 
He told me he has his brothers ashes on the bike and he pointed to the compartment. ( he died at 48 and he is taking him back to Oregon ) 
I said you must have a heavy heart and
he said yes.. very.

I gave him in love the gospel and life giving truth. He took my card, thanked me and we pray he goes deep in God's truth for hope.

God's timing is perfect! 
See our biblical resources below..... especially the gospel to eternal life!

God be praised

Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: