Day 55 Journey Church Bozeman Exposed / 2018 Summer Mission Trip

Day 55

We were sitting outside at this man made religious body in Bozeman, Mo today as they say all are welcome!!!
We were just sitting in our van with a bible and they called the police on us!!! ( we do have our sign on our trailer ) 
In love and truth we came.... 
but they would not allow us to open the bible and talk with others outside ( not inside nor disrupting anyone ) and they called the ( roman guards ) local police on us! We did get to preach much truth, many saw our website and we got to witness to the police officers as well.... then we left peacefully as we always do. 

Hear the entire thing on audio ( their lies/lack of biblical truth ) and see them tested to God's Word here:

This all proves what a unbiblical ungodly place this really is....and we want better for people as we love our neighbor.

See our biblical resources below ..... 

especially the gospel to eternal life!

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: