Day 28
We got a wonderful lunch offer after our big job was done and over food we were asked ....
how did we get into carving on our own vs working for big companies?
The when we told them we became Christians and left the ways of the world and thus our worldly jobs....
they asked us how did you become Christians?
With that open door
I shared how we repented and were born again and that we left man made religion and began to grow in and serve God via His Word s spirit and truth. John 4:24 ( they are part of the world and man made religion and thus they got much to ponder about.... if they claim God )

Out of that lunch offer, I was able to proclaim much truth that we pray lands in fertile soil of God and eternity. ( Jesus ate with people of the world and we go and tell His gospel to all who will listen ) We are NOT better then, but we are DIFFERENT via His spirit and truth.
God keeps using us and we keep telling the truth!!!!
Down the mission road we go....
See our bible resources below
God be praised
Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
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