God is SOOOOOO Awesome! / 2018 Summer Mission Trip

Day 91

Passed out Drunk
We were street witnessing and I saw a man was drunk and laying in the grass. I was hoping to witness to him but he was too drunk and had passed out. Well, the next day we are camped out near there and here he comes walking right up to me and asks for some money. I told him I cant do that but I offered him the gospel and my number if he wanted to get sober and seek God. I shared I was a drunk once but Christ changed me. He looked at me very sad said, my mom is a Christian! He thanked me and left! I was SOOOOOOO thankful I was able to give him the gospel.

Jeffrey Wallace of Living Faith Christian Fellowship Shown to be a liar!
Several days ago this teacher at Mark Bullens body saw my huge biblical testing that exposes him and his bishop Bullen as false. Wallace went on the internet to say my testing had... NO .... scripture to it. He lied to his shame!!!!
Well, today a man from Australia emailed me and thanked me for that very biblical testing.... FULL of scripture... he said that exposed the unbiblical issues at Bullen's body.
Here is that testing that exposes them full or articles and scripture:

God is so good and his ways and truth ALWAYS prevail in the end!

See our bible resources below....

God be praised



Here is the biblical gospel:

Dontperish Facebook:

Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: