Missouri Bull Rider Killed / Mason Lowe..Don't Waste Your Life

It was brought to my attention a young man from Missouri was killed by riding angry huge ( over 1500 lb ) bulls for points and money recently as a pro bull rider.
( Jan 2019 )  

It is any surprise when these men; who ride these huge mean animals for entertainment of crowds; are often trampled, gored, maimed and killed during their pursuit of money/fame?

This young man tempted death and he suffered the wrath of a angry bull that caused his death. What a tragic waste of life that God gives us. To place yourself in such dangerous harms way for nothing more then fleeting money and fame; it is the way of this lost culture we live in today. 

It reminds me of Proverbs 14;12

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Please consider your own life and how you may be wasting it on things that will not last. Then realize your a sinful person before God and unless you repent and are born of God you will perish in hell. See the gospel good news below and how you can avoid the wrath of God. 

See our bible resources below and let me know how I can help you in the faith?

God be praised



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