Scripture Twister Award / Mennonite Man Calls Sunday the Sabbath day

The latest scripture twister award is out an it goes to a Mennonite man that I have been reasoning with via email. He actually told me that Sunday is the Sabbath day which God made holy even quoting Exodus 20.

Folks, a smart 10 year old Sunday schooler knows it was Saturday that God made Holy in Exodus, NOT Sunday.  

So how did Sunday become the NEW Sabbath day today?

It was not God but the pagan romanists in 325 AD that proclaimed Sunday the new holy day and the Mennonites still keep it that way today.  It is sinful.... 

There is NO holy day today ... Christ is our sabbath rest! 
Hebrews 4

See these articles on Mennonites and Sunday as the Lords day:

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God be praised


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