Hate Crime Hype is Coming

Hate Crimes ( a very vague term / used long ago by communists ) has been a growing issue as we see them spreading across Europe and Canada. Basically the government is trying to legislate what you believe, think or even say on a given subject. This has always been a way to marginalize the truth and criminalize it, eventually in time. Up in Canada today, preaching about homosexuality can be a crime that leads to jail. That means just reading parts of the bible is a hate crime! Well, it has come to America and here is one of the first examples of it. 

Note: to be clear, I do NOT promote this man's actions in ANY WAY and I would never promote any hate or harm to those of opposing views, that I have. 
There should be some penalty for his actions indeed but....

A man in Iowa has been sentenced to 15 years in jail for taking and burning a LGBTQ flag and burning it. (Why he would do such a thing, I don't know? ) Most of us would not agree with what he did but a jail sentence of 15 years seems very, very extreme. It really all stems from his standing against the gay agenda, authorities making it a hate crime, and admitting what he did is just plain wrong! 


                         Making God's truth a HATE CRIME

It is political correctness and the attack on purity and truth, not allowing opposing views is well under way! This is how evil will grow in the country while good, pure, true morality ( not this man's ill behavior ) is weeded out. Those who hold to simple biblical values will be silenced (or tossed in jail) all as a fear tactic in the culture. It is working as most are afraid to speak out already!
Modern pastors and churches are folding to the LGBTQ agenda at a record pace. (They /modern pastors are not true Christians but fakes.) 

This has been brought in a little at a time and it will enslave people and the globe soon. That is how freedom is lost and evil / tyranny gains hold. Changes made a little at a time, people distracted (watching tv)  and they ignore it all, till its too late. Need an' example?

How do you catch a herd of wild pigs? 

You cant chase them all down at once. All you do is put corn down. They come to eat. Then put up a section of fence, they still come eat. Then add more fence, they come eat getting used to the corral. Then finally add a gate and leave it open. They all come in to eat and...... you just close the pen and they are captured!

That is happening all over the world especially in America and Europe!  

I have even seen false teachers in the Christian world use this false way to marginalize those calling them out. They use twisted terms like hater, stalker, mental and dangerous to demean those who just point out their sin/false doctrines. (It's a ad hominem attack.) They have learned well from the LGBTQ crowd and communists before them. It will be to their own demise one day as they will be silenced to. Listen to a audio about that right here:

It should no be surprise at all. See Jesus warned of us this day that the... world will hate us for His name. See Matt 10

What will you do as persecution comes and even the simple truths of God's Holy Word will get you jail time? Please ponder it now, prepare your life/walk to stand for Him before you have to make some very hard decisions fast about whom you will serve in the future! 

It is coming upon the people of God, be ready for the persecution that is on the way!

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ.
2 Tim 3

God be praised


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