Corona Virus Danger... Is It Hyped ?

Update: June 2021

*many more have died but many have now questioned the real death count of cornona? (who died from what?)
*they first denied it now they say.... it COULD BE man made in China?
*Dr. Fauci said wear a mask now experts say masks do not help?
*Dr. Fauci has been emailing Bill Gates though this whole event, why? (Gates is not a doctor or expert on pandemics but he is a vaccine make/pusher) 

Very suspicious..... 

Read on


As the corona virus craze carries on, in an unprecedented move, most of the globe is on lock down. Economies, sports, colleges, entertainment, public schools and businesses have all been closed. The world is in a panic and media sources/governments are focused on reporting about it, almost non stop. (You can program people this way you know by telling lies often enough and people believe them.) People are being ordered to stay at home and not to go out or be around others. The world has never seen anything like it before and we need to ask why such a dramatic action and focus at this time? 

Note: We do agree with good common sense practices of hand washing, not sneezing into the air, staying put if you are ill and monitoring the sick etc and we mourn ever single death of a human, this is tragic! But is there something deeper to look at here? I am NOT a medical doctor but simple logic and reasoning must be applied to get at the truth. After you see the FACTS, they should have you scratching your head as to why this is happening with the corona virus globally now? 

Clearly we have seen many viruses come and go in history. I have asked why reporters, citizens, representatives and others are not asking more questions rather then just accepting this shutdown via the media's hype? It is all very strange to me! The truth is you cannot hardly find anything that takes a deep critical look at this event and they are shutting down any voices that sound an alarm. Some are suggesting flat out that the media is censoring it all? A look at the known facts and numbers about this virus will tell a very troubling story that raises many questions.  

The following are some known accepted virus facts will show you why my concern in writing this article, as something is not right here. Could another purpose / agenda be served by this global lock down?

Facts: (These are common facts you can find online from reputable medical sources like the CDC and World Health Organization.)

As of the end of March 2020:

 there has been 422,000 corona virus cases
there has been 18,000 deaths

In America ...
there has been 142,000 cases 
there has been 2400 deaths

While it is real and tragic that so many have gotten ill / lost their lives, the truth about this virus being far worse then others, to the point of closing down the world, can't yet be backed up with data and it really needs to be questioned. Some experts are saying there is NOT enough needed data to make the claims about corona virus that they are using to push these lock downs globally. (See Stanford's medical researcher John Ioannidis recent article.) The truth is the flu far out weighs the corona virus in annual deaths globally and it has for many years. 

Some common known flu data statistics below will make you see clearer and think about the situation to then ask questions: 

*According to medical sources about 650,000 die worldwide every year from the flu and this has been happening for decades without any global shutdowns anywhere. These deaths happen mostly in the 4-6 winter months and keep in mind that is even with known vaccines in use. Do you recall any global shut downs over these 650,000 people each year? No, me neither!

*In the last 10 year period between 16,000 and 61,000 people died of the common flu in the USA each year. Do you recall any panic or shut downs? No, there was none! 

*In 2017 / 2018 deaths spiked up and about 61,000 Americans died of the flu ( that is 4000 people dying each week ) Do you recall any media hype or shutdowns at all that year? No, there was none! 

*In 2017 / 2018 in New York, 4500 people died of the flu and to date only 1000 have died of corona virus there. Do you recall any shutdowns in 2017 / 2018? No, there was none!

*In America in 2019 / 2020 already there has been 23,000 flu deaths as compared to ONLY 2400 corona deaths total. Was there any talk of a shutdown before the corona virus came up? No, there wasn't! 

*The CDC estimates between 9 to 43 million people get the flu every year in the USA compared to 142,000 getting corona so far. Was there calls for national shutdowns then? No, there was none!

This fact below should really get you thinking:

*America is only 4% of the world's population but it has already had MORE "regular FLU" deaths in 2019 / 2020 ( 23,000 deaths ) then the entire world has had corona deaths. ( 18,000 )  
Read that again..... and let it sink in to give you some real perspective! 

As you can see the numbers do NOT add up for the world to be in a lock down panic over corona virus. The flu annually kills many more times this number of people and it has for decades without any shutdowns or panic ever happening! 

The media and government sources have been telling us this is a different and more powerful and deadly virus. Ok... How deadly?
Experts who advise the President are saying things like this:

Dr Fauci is Trumps main adviser and this same doctor mentioned South Korea as a example of how bad it can get!!! The facts show only 120 total died from Corona virus in all of South Korea. What data do they have to make such amazing death claims when no country anywhere has seen anything close to those kind of death numbers? Italy leads the death toll with about 10,000 deaths total (they have a elderly heavy population that the flu or viruses attack more often)  

Here President Trump talks about 1.6 to 2.2 million Americans could die unless we stay locked down. Wait???? 
We just heard Trumps main adviser expert Dr Fauci say USA deaths could be only as high 100,000 to 200,000? 
That is about 10 to 20 times..... less.... then what Trump said?

Who is lying here?

And again, what is this based on when the known flu, that they never locked anything down over, kills many times more annually then corona ever has? 

In my research, I hear the 'so called' experts saying that corona is new and different then the flu. They say we know the flu, we know its patterns and we have vaccines for it! 

Really?  Ok! 

Then if the flu is no threat why does it still kill 650,000 people a year globally ( up to 61,000 Americans a year ) and they have NEVER locked down anything regarding it but corona kills a few thousand and they lock down the entire globe? 

The documented numbers just do not back up these kind of actions we see happening. We do not have the history or data to prove it is more deathly. You can see by the numbers we do have, the flu kills many many times more people annually with no hype, no panic or shutdowns. 

How can this be and why?

Another point to make is the flu always affects people most in the winter from Nov to March then it dies off dramatically. (We have data that proves this each and every year.) Today we are already seeing the reports from China and other countries showing the corona virus has already peaked as is now dying off within weeks (so it appears it may be acting like a flu) as China is not reporting any new cases to date. Yet President Trump just announced a lock down shelter in place order til April 30th for the nation. So the question is, why is this still being hyped as worse then the flu when the death and illness rates are not even ANYWHERE close to the common flu deaths we see year after year? And if they are afraid of thousands dying from Corona virus, why were they NOT afraid after 650,000 die every year from the flu? Do you see my point?

Let me be clear, corona has killed about 18,000 people and they are in a panic / locking down the globe while the flu has killed MANY MILLIONS over the past decade and they have done NO lock downs to control it! Do we have to be a medical school graduate to see, something is just not right here?

It just makes no sense unless there are some other motives at play? 

I do not have the exact answer as to WHY they are doing this at this time with the corona virus but I have some possible suggestions that come to mind:

* Could this be politically motivated in a election year?
* Could this be a way to alter daily culture and train them for a evil gain?
* Could it be using global fear to train people to just obey the government for their own health? 
* Could is be a global ploy to destroy a strong/free America?
* Could it be a conditioning dry run for future martial law crack down systems in the world?
* Could it be used to destroy freedoms / businesses / economies to further enslave people?
* Could it be part of the move for a one world government control the bible speaks of in the last days? ( Rev 13 &14 ) 
* Bill Gates is already talking about a micro chip system regarding the virus and could that be part of the mark of the beast?

In the end, I admit I do not know the real reasons behind this all but still I am very suspect! 

I believe God's Word and it says pestilences will come. See Matthew 24 And then an evil world system/anti-christ will rise up to control others and enslave the globe before Jesus returns. You can read some articles about that here:

I also did a audio not too long ago called catching a herd of wild pigs:
Listen to it and it reveals how little by little you can train/fence in a wild creature (as you feed it without it knowing it) then one day, you just close the gate on him and he is trapped with no escape. Could that be what this virus scare is all about? Again, the corona virus facts do NOT add up as I have shown you. For many years, many thousands of people have been dying annually of other common flu's and there was no shutdowns at all and no panic. 

Why panic now folks????? We need to ask ourselves, so we are prepared.  

Jesus said be wise as a serpent. Matt 10:16
We cannot stop the evil that is about to over take this earth but; we can see the signs and warn others and be spiritually prepared for it ourselves. 

Repent and obey the gospel (see it below) for eternal life to come is the best move you could make. This life is short, but eternity is forever.

Christ is coming back! Will He find you obeying, looking and living for him when He does?


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised