Corona Virus Updates and Observations

                                   Global Evil is Coming

March 24, 2020

As we live out this pandemic virus event in America, I see what is unfolding and it has quickened me to say more about the end times. I think of global evil and Christ's return more then before! 
( much more of this to come in the future at dontperish ) 

Before I give you much bad news, here is the good news gospel to eternal life:

Moving on:

The virus is said to be growing daily, sickening more, killing more people. Yet there is confusion saying it is MORE dangerous then the flu or could the outcome of the panic over it all be worse? Due to this, the corona virus continues to be used to scare and lure the culture / world into global submission just as the bible predicted would happen. 

Why do you say this brother Jim? Read on....

I wanted to put down some meditations/thoughts about it all.  What I see happening biblically then why I believe it has never been this way before in my almost 60 years. These are just facts and I will write about them in biblical detail in the coming weeks. I have been studying the bible prophecy for 40 years and serving God for 13 as a born again saint ( yes, I wasted a lot of life in my carnal flesh! ) I see amazing things happening today that are making the bible come to life before me like never before!  I myself see the great tribulation / Christ's return clearly now and  here is why based on God's Word:

1) the world has all the signs that Jesus talked about in Matthew 24 before His return, happening all at once. Go read it....

2) the world is bowing to a global crisis in a way NEVER seen and the New World Order / evil will use for it's final gain and control of the globe.

3) This one is HUGE! America was once a strong, free, powerful nation is now becoming like the world and bowing to governmental pressure, fear and control. Once America folds in power and force, the globe is more a target for satan's last day plans.

Note: I have said for years before the anti christ cant rule the global unless the USA has been softened up. It will be crushed down as a strong global power and folks, it is happening as I type. 

4) the talk of a CASH Less Society is now being pushed and they are trying to actually implement it! Rev 13 talks of global economic control and it needs a cashless world to pull it off fully. 

5) The second richest man in the world ( Bill Gates ) wants to track you daily via your phone for virus control. Then he desires to micro chip you for global control, just as the book of Revelation reveals will happen. 

6) Governments and people are all uniting together and the bible predicts a global one world rule to come.  

7) A one world religion is forming and will be in place, persecuting any true biblical believer who resists it, just as the bible predicts. A false prophet will arise ( the pope maybe? ) from it all to help the anti-christ

8) global economies (even America) are being crushed globally and people are starting to rely on government more to survive, this puts the anti christ control much closer to reality. 

9) Media is using lies, fear, censoring, sickness / death as a tactic to lure people into accepting things that no level thinking person would even consider in the past. This is how you control people with fear and deception. 

10) The fence panels  to enslave the globe are being put in place one by one and few even notice it. This goes all the way back to world wars, many global money situations, the rise of false teachers all over, 911 attacks, war on terrorism, home land security taking power and computer technology. It appears many pandemics/crisis may be used to soften the world up to then have evil over come them. Listen to my audio on "catching wild pigs" and it will make better sense to you:

These are the things I see as HUGE steps happening globally and I will be expounding on them over time adding scriptures to them to warn those who will have a ear to hear. 

Hold fast ye saints of the Lord... Christ is on the way but first, satan the dragon will make war against us and we must over come.

Revelation 12:10-12
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
More to come ..... God be praised

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