Two Men and Two VERY Different Outcomes / Walmart Witnessing

As we were checking out of a Walmart in Tennessee, a man saw my witness walking stick and he said; I really like that and he asked; so what is the gospel to eternal life?

I started to share with him to Word and truth to eternal life and he was interrupting me to say; do you believe in once saved always saved??? I began to address it but I asked to finish the gospel first and he was clearly frustrated. After I laid out the biblical path to eternal life, I re-echoed / covered that we must endure and that we do not have salvation locked up yet in the future. 

He said; you just "accept Jesus" and he quoted Romans 10 ( confess with your mouth )  and you are saved. I said no sir, the bible NEVER says accept Jesus. He admitted it does not say that. Then I said confess means we AGREE with God and if we AGREE we follow and obey Christ. he boasted he went to a seminary but clearly they did not teach him very well. 

He then said; if you have a blood brother, if you get angry and separate, you are STILL brothers. He was saying even if we live in sin we are still safe in God. 

I gave him Luke 15 and the prodigal son. It says he was dead in sin then was made ALIVE AGAIN when he repented and came back. 
( see verses 24 and 32 ) He denied it says that ( it does ) and he then said, he had to go. I gave him my gospel card and said call or email lets continue this; but I have received nothing to date. 

Here is a article on the Prodigal son and his return to life:

He wants to go to heaven and live in sin ... I pray he repents of that faulty way!


While I was almost done talking to him, a man with a little girl stopped and said are you talking about Jesus? ( the other man then left ) This other man and I had a great talk and I explained the other conversation and he agreed we CANNOT live in sin and claim salvation in God. He got the gospel, our card/contact info and he asked about our website and such. 
He was blessed by it all....

God is so good and we never know who He will send us. Thankfully the seeds of truth went out all over; right inside Walmart!

That is why I have my walking stick with OBEY JESUS on it as it opens many witnessing chances for me. ( he also noticed we were different then those around us... we are a peculiar people!  )

Glory to God....


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