America the Deceived ...Why This Nation is Dying!

My heart is heavy today and so often over the cancer/sin I see all around me in this so called Christian nation. I see it on a constant basis as a traveling street preacher and it is a heavy burden to bear as we daily stand out in and up against it all for the glory of our God. That said, we choose to go do this life as we were called to it. We will not fall back as it is a honor to hold His name/light high in the darkness of these times!

I want to share with you just some of the reasons that it appears America is seemingly in its last days. 

By the way, I do not believe the USA was ever a true biblical nation, no. At one time it had more of a sense of Christian morality as an anchor that has seemingly ripped and eroded away in my own life time.

 Let me share with you just a few small examples from just the last few days of ministry/street witnessing experiences I had with so called Christians in America. These are just a few as the tip of the ice berg showing the deadly cancer in this land:

1) A claimed baptist Christian youth (all pierced up) comes up to me as I am street preaching to tell me I cannot use fear to warn people of God's wrath. ( He said Jesus just forgives everything)

Americans who feast on the easy believe false gospel coming out of the Sunday hireling pulpits want to think they can sin and sin and sin but not be in danger of God's justice. 

Note: the bible is full of fear warnings like:

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matt 10:28 

They are deceived by their itchy ears

2) I recently communicated with a Mennonite (black) school teacher who is all up in arms about the so called racism injustices so much it is his sole focus these days. All the while he ignores bible truth, doctrine and preaching the biblical gospel of Christ that alone can change hearts / lives! 

He is deceived by man made traditions and blind social justice swill

3) I had a man come up to me as I preached and he was very worldly looking, tattoos and smoking a cigarette telling me that God does not care how we live (daily). He makes music and tried to push it on me for his god.....

He is deceived by antinominanism, a lawless faith system. 

 4) When we stand out to hold gospel signs or street preach lifting up Jesus name, out of thousands of people set on entertainment, going by us by the droves, literally in most cases few people may stop to say they love Christ or respond in any positive manner. (We do almost always run into at least 1 or 2 seeking sheep each time we go out and we praise God for that) 

Those passing by seem so void and very dead as they are deceived by their flesh and the cares of this life!

Jesus said FEW will come didn't He? see Matt 7 

5) I see families with Jesus Saves shirts on as their mothers/daughters are in shameful harlot clothes and the dads/sons are sports addicted or feminine to the max

They have been deceived by culture on their entertainment, dress and gender blurring.

6) I hear stories of young black children so bent by the media / social justice warrior heretics, they think all police men want to kill them. It is a satanic attack and most are clueless about it. 

The socialist / marxist groups are deceiving them for sure. 

7) I hear the color of a mans skin is the same rights issue as sodomy / lesbianism and politicians with claimed Christians are going for it. 

They are deceived by the demonic gay rights groups.

8) Several beggars on the corner turned down the FREE food we offered them in love as... it was not really what they like. 

They are deceived by the "I deserve better" mindset of a lazy culture! God destroyed Sodom as it was full of bread and prideful right? (go look it up)  

 9) A so called anabaptist Kingdom Christian group on line battled against my plee's they repent as they like to post heresy theology, harlot ladies and vile hollywood images, roman catholic mystics and pro sodomite views.... all for fun.

They are deceived by their Gal 1 false kingdom gospel that leaves them quite unregenerated.

10) I had a claimed Christian man emailing to prove the earth is flat yet the biblical gospel, sound doctrines, holiness and obedience in daily life to God takes a total back seat in his life.  

He is deceived by the latest religious conspiracy thing flying around the deception internet.

You see the picture and so I will stop there. I have lots more sad sad examples in just the last few days and this goes on weekly so it is very gut wrenching and telling indeed!

Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.


After all is said and done, America is like the walking dead and in so much trouble because it is full of sin/false ways, lacks eternal truth and spiritually void of God's Word. 

We were just before thousands and thousands of people in the streets of America the last few days alone lifting up Christ and God's Holy Word. Many of those souls walking or driving by are claiming Jesus and we only a few had any positive responses to God's precious Word going out as they rushed to entertain and feed their flesh in a vice filled tourist town. 

The fact is FEW adults in America ever want or have time for God's truth even church goers. They want their fake Jesus (2 Cor 11:4) that allows them to be sinful and worldly yet still reap salvation. And if they think we are deceived they do not have time to love us to teach us our error either. Didn't Jesus say love your neighbor? 

They are very self deceived!

 As a ray of hope, it is the small children that often are waving, smiling and saying God bless you and that always makes us smile. 
Didn't Jesus say you must come as a child?

Note: as I said we almost always run into at least 1 or 2 seeker or sheep each time we go out and we praise God for that also. 

No we do not expect the nation to embrace holiness and obedience as the churches teach fill up teaching many false ways. We would like to think we could go out and preach the gospel truth to America for is its salvation but the longer we do this and the further it slides/rejects the Lord's Word into its deep perversion, I see it very clearly. It pains me to think it but I fear we may be there for their condemnationlest they repent to new life! I pray it is not so but we will continue to go for Christ. What gives us great hope is that we are planting seeds of truth all over the nation and if God could call and redeem us as wicked as we were, there is hope for anyone!

Woe to you America!

Repent and obey the gospel....lest you will perish.  

See the life saving gospel below.


See our resources below that will help you in the biblical faith.

God be praised

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