Black Lives Matter Exposed

The following article explains the issues that I see as a born again Christian with the Black Lives Matter group. I also will explain why it is dangerous for any Christ follower to be joined to them. 

Right off, put to rest the notion I am racist or dislike blacks as neither apply. I see all men as equal and I teach there is ONE race thus racism does NOT even exist. What does exist is HATE and Sin. (I think black lives and ALL lives matter.)

See my article/audio here on that topic:

While I agree with many that the unjust murder of George Floyd was a terrible stain on any police department, people rushing to support the unbiblical groups now flocking to march, picket and at times riot/burn/loot is not wise for the true Christ follower. 

I do not need to go into the many sad details or a long article that I could on about Black Lives Matter group to show you why no biblical believer should unite to or with them. I need only point out some 4 bible basics:

1) As followers of Christ we need to keep our selves focused on His work and being kept unspotted from the world. James 1:27
Uniting to unbiblical groups hurts and waters down the cause of Christ.

2) No soldier of God gets entangled in the worlds issues.
No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
2 Tim 2:4

If you want to help the oppressed and poor, we should, great! But groups like this will drag you out of truth and into the 'menus ha' of political, legal & social issues. They lack God's truth and perspective so how can believers unite to them? Man has NEVER solved his sin issues outside of Christ and he never will!  

Social justice: 
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

is being used to ensnare people into many movements and corrupting God's Word as well. 
It is basically using money distribution/social issues/changes of the day to move into cultures and countries with socilaism and communist ideals
It is a trojan horse you might say. It looks good on the outside but inside of it are evil motives that always destroy and control.
Social Justice must be rejected as God's Word and ways must be up held, or a society will crumble into more sin and wickedness. 

The evils of social justice is at the root of most of this. See it exposed here:

3) Just one example of how they will infect you with great sin.
Right off of their website is the statement that they support gay lesbian rights. 

Black Lives Matter is per them a "queer affirming" group.

Here they raise money for transgender black men/women???

Loving your neighbor per Jesus in Matt 22 means we warn them about the gay lifestyle that will destroy them in this life and the eternal one to come. Sodomy/lesbianism is sin. See Romans 1

This means that while so called Christians stand with them on social justice and black rights, they "are and will get drawn into" gay rights as a fruit of their ill union. 

Fact: black rights and gay rights are two totally different things
God sees all men of color the same but He does not see sodomy / lesbianism as good at all; but evil! 
 They are using the black plight to make them the same. If you unite to them and then try to reject gay rights, you will be just like a racist and called homophobic and a hater. Christians must stay clear of this trap and association to those doing such vile things.  

See my drawing that shows a progression these groups will take foolish "so called" Christian's on. 

4) the bible tell us to live holy 1 Peter 1:15 and to NOT be united around those who promote sin.

Bad company corrupts 1 Cor 15:33

5) the can have a violent side to their group. See this fb post here they appear to suggest violence against police vehicles:

To be clear, I am all for justice, police who kill others for no reason are to be jailed and hateful racist ideas should be opposed.
But again, it will NEVER happen outside of Christ's truth/gospel and linking to such vile sinful groups as BLM will stain your reputation as a holy Christ follower. 

I have a simple but powerful alternative:

*Live the biblical gospel yourself
*Preach the biblical gospel to the world 

Repent of unions / ties with those ill groups of the world. 

Seek God while he may be found, Jesus is the answer!

See that gospel below and many resources to help you in the faith.


God be praised