Ask the Police What Law are You Breaking?

Aug 2020

 I was street preaching in a bust tourist town and the police were called by a angry business owner. The officer was very kind and he tried to say I MAY be on private property? (I was on a sidewalk the police info officer told me was legal) I asked him if he can verify that and he tried hard in his phone but he could not. I then that is fine, I will move on to keep peace. 

Note: always ask for the law or ordinance you are told you are breaking and verify it. If they cant do that, in truth you are not breaking any laws at all. But be kind and if it is best, move on as we should keep peace with all men. Both officers got the gospel and a thank you offering from us for their efforts in keeping the law. 

See the video at this link and how I handled the police on this day:


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