Hymns Today, Biblical or Not?

A saint asked me a question on hymns of today so I thought I would add the email and answer it here to edify all the saints!
See the question in blue and my answer below in black


I have some kind of question for brother Jim. 

...which I just would like some thoughts on. 

What place do the hymns that Christianity has, have in the true body of Christ? The words I mean. 

As we have both come from a background of evangelicalism, naturally we all know and learned some hymns. 

Do you say we throw them all away as they were perhaps written by heretics...or do we test their message to see if it is biblical and keep the biblical ones? Or some other approach?

Naturally hymns come into my mind at times...so I was wondering what we should do with those words and thoughts...bring them captive for Christ...or be praising God with their message and being encouraged by thoughts of God? 

I have an open mind on this...just thought I'd ask for some of your thoughts brother. Any answer is good! 



Good question  ... Here is my take:

Hymns are of course biblical though not of the instrumental kind of today. 

My view on today's popular hymns is this:

1) we must test all words 1 thess 5 to see if they are fully biblical in doctrine. If not.. toss them out ... many are fluff and heretical.  

2) hymns are not to be listened to for entertainment. That is fleshly. Romans 8:8 We are to sing to God alone or with saints per Eph 5 / But many just pop in a CD for a mood helper or back ground noise.... which is not God honoring or biblical at all. 

***Our heart is the instrument now ..how awesome is that as God gave us new hearts so we use the instrument He made to praise Him ..not a set of drums! :(

3) most hymns today are practiced with pro singers and recorded then mixed for best sound...making it fake and a lie in a sense, not good! Rev 2:14-15 

**Again, we are to sing, not listen to others who are recorded. 

4) those doing the singing that is recorded are most often unbiblical religious false converts. Are we to honor them or unite to them in anyway for praise to God? Romans 16;17 says no!  

I have a story... As a pagan child I used to watch a choir on tv and I liked it a lot. When I grew up and become a saint ...I was angry that my parents let me listen to the morman tabernacle choir all the time!!! They are a heretical cult and I was upset that I was unknowingly singing with n honoring them all along. 

In short...hymns are fine sister if biblical ... acapella and they don't fall into the points noted above. 

PS if you know a hymn and it's biblical ..sing it into God with your new heart ...that is what he wants. Not practiced polished recorded music of this age played as a mood alterer. If it's biblical.. the author isn't a real issue though I myself ... make up my own to God . .see my conviction says avoid the false man made religious ones...that's me! 

We see and hear that in churchianity all then time! It's wicked and I reject it for a simple pure offering unto the Lord ...

Hope that helps you? 

Brother Jim with sister Debbie 

Ephesians 5:19 KJVSSpeaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

Here are some articles on biblical music for today:
