Colors For Biblical Clothing


             *this article is for born again saints/see the gospel, below/test yourself

Notice the picture of clothes on a line and how plain, simple, non attracting attention they are.  

God's Word has much to say on biblical clothing (tunics and robes) as sadly (due to the pride and vanity of the false cultural churchanity) no one teaches on it or; hardly anyone at all. (God shed blood and clothed us in Genesis 3:21 in tunics / robes

You can find many articles on what true holy saints should be wearing at at link below. We are not the clothing police but; we do teach what the Word teaches and we are unashamed about it. (it is part of our holy obedience)  

For this article, I want to address biblical clothing colors. Again we are NOT the color police either and God does not tell us exactly what to colors to wear but we have a guide still in the Word. We know God hates pride Prov 6 so you must kill your desire to look good!

For ladies the word says shamefast:

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 1 Tim 2:9 

That word shamefast in Greek means bashfulness..... ladies can you be that while wearing bold flashy colors that draws attention to you? I think not! 


Men of Christ, we are called to be lowly and humble right?

When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. Proverbs 11:2

That word lowly means humble and modest in Hebrew ....

Jesus said this:

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matt 11:29

That word lowly in Greek means humble and to be down, lowly.

Can we men be humble/lowly/meek as we walk around in colorful clothing that draws people notice to us? I also think not....

The simple point is per John the Baptist; we are to decrease as we INCREASE Christ.

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3;30 

How is that happening saints if we lift up our outsides in pride and vanity via our clothing and flashy colors like the culture does around us?

While we do not have a color chart; we do instruct people to pick low key colors that will match what we are to be to others around us (lowly) and to God. We counsel people choose the plainest, most non attracting, earthly muted color you can get vs going for the bold and look at me!!! It just makes sense doesn't it once you get your flesh in order. 

Ask yourself; if your heart is made new and lowly for God, how is your outsides doing to reflect it? 

Here are articles on biblical clothing to help you on your way:

God be praised
