Witnessing to a Baptist, a Hebrew Rooter, a Beggar and a Druggies Girlfriend


What a busy time witnessing we had as we finish out 2020. We just rolled into southern Georgia and then Florida and here are a few of the encounters to edify you in God's truth as His Word goes out:

*I helped a man who over dosed on drugs. He was out cold then up and trying to hurt himself. His eyes were the wildest thing I ever saw and he was out of his mind. It really shows how drugs are so deceptive and destructive! We held him down till help medic/police arrived and it was Meth. I was told it is out of control in this area of Florida. Thankfully I got to give the gospel hope to his girlfriend and you can see a video about it all here:


*A Baptist van driver gets Mad at me over truth: (audio)


*A Hebrew Root man selling bakery denies Hell: (audio) 


*I walked into Walmart and got to witness to two Mormons. I told them of their fake jesus and false prophet Joseph Smith. They promised to call me with a rebuttal but as usual; they hide from the truth. 

*Sister debbie and I witnessed to a older drifter lady from Connecticut. She got God's Word and we had a very interesting discussion about faith and the road / drifter life. We were able to bless her with a need and she thanked us.

*Sister debbie gave out gospel cards to various grocery workers and has received good words/amens on her bible basket with the gospel as she shops for us.

*I witnessed to a beggar in bad shape outside a gas station. He would not take my tract so I said, you take the tract and I will go buy you a cold drink. He took it and when I came out; he had read it and he asked what a Berean (Acts 17) was? He read it all and we talked about the gospel to life. He told me he has lost his mind and God cannot save him. I promised him Christ could IF he will repent and turn to him but he was not convinced or even interested. We parted ways and he is another beggar I will not forget. So lost, so down, in despair and in such a bad place ( that could be me) but there is hope. 

*We stopped at truck stop and we needed water. Two nice workers got us a water hose to fill up with and both of them got the gospel.... they thanked me. 

*We met a man who gave us a tract and we had the greatest talk about truth for over 1.5 hours. Sadly it turns out he is linked to a Calvinistic heretical ministry and he is far from living the holy truth though he knows it all very well. We pray he continues to go deeper then he has thus far. 

2020 has been  GREAT and now it is on to 2021. While we have no idea what it will bring; we are excited to serve God and proclaim His truth to the lost as we go..... 

Stay tuned for much more to come from the gospel preaching Van Dwelling road.....

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/
Go here for audio teachings
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