Why We Post Street Preaching Videos


If you know about our ministry, you know that we as a couple, travel full time and street preach all over America as self funded van dwellers for Christ. 
Note: we sell nothing, we take no money and we are not popular on line as we just tell the truth of God's Word and call people to repent before God's wrath comes for them! (2 Thess 1:8-10)

Jesus said in Mark 16:15

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

See our van dweller updates at the end of this article......

 Here is our street preaching link with many videos:


This short article is to explain why we post street preaching videos and why believe it is biblical to do so:

*we do it for God's glory as He commanded we go and lift up our voices and preach His truth to the lost

*we do promote our website as it teaches God's Word and makes disciples

*we do it to encourage others/reach lost who may find the event videos online years later and see the preaching to draw them to Christ

*we do it to edify other saints who see it and are encouraged by it

*we do it to encourage/edify other men who may want to go and street preach

*we do it to teach/train others up how to handle all different kinds of situations witnessing or preaching in the streets (mockers, police, security, event situations, seekers ect)

*we do it as it edifies us in our walk as we pour out God's Word to a dying world

Note: we believe teaching/preaching the Word is record-able but we would NEVER video praying or singing as that is a private NT body matter. Jesus and the NT saints did that in private besides; prayer nor singing is used for evangelism in the streets per the Word. We are to preach the gospel and then let the spirit work.

Others have told us what preaching videos does for them and here are a few examples:

*they see how to do it in boldness and love

*they see how wicked the religious world is so they are prepared

*they see hope and truth going out and they learn to focus on the gospel mos of all

*they see Pharisees vs lost people and how they react to truth

*they appreciate and rejoice at God's Word shining in the dark world

*they see the hatred of God's Word and they cherish it even more

*they see the destruction of feminism and political idolatry

*they see how political, paganized and idolatrous America really is

*they see godly examples of a quiet godly lady in the world (my wife)

*they get taught by scripture going out to the masses

*they clearly see the broad road to destruction vs the few on the narrow road.

*they like learning how to handle themselves in the world while preaching

If you watch our videos, we are not on screen very much at all as we believe it is about Christ, not us. 

John 3:30

He must increase, but I must decrease.

This removes the pride and vanity issues so we can be blameless but; we do occasionally show ourselves. Why? I feel it is important to model a biblical example (1 Peter 5) of godly dress in this lost, false religious and carnal culture. How we present our temple matters.  

We will NEVER care about high tech camera gear, entertainment, tweaking videos for affect, making ourselves the focus / more popular or watering down to reach the masses. We just go and preach the gospel to the lost and just as Jesus and the disciples were hated; so are we hated! 

Here are some articles at this link regarding this topic like Lifting Up Your Voice and Preaching in Biblical Clothing


Here is our Van Dweller Updates:


Lord willing we will continue pouring His truth out in the world, the streets and on line for a long time.

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:

Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog http://spiritandtruthdiscernment.blogspot.com/
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: