Children in The Body


We often get asked questions about children in the New Testament gathering and at times, we must help other believers who have small children. When the NT body gathers, how is it done and what is proper to glorify God regarding children? This article will deal with some simple basics of children in the NT body of Christ. 

Bible basics for children in the NT body gathering.

1) as you know children are to honor their parents. See Col 3:20

*parents this means your children need to be obedient / under control and orderly at all times as only then they can function in the body. 

2) In Titus 2:4-6 we are told youth are to be sober (not silly) so starting at very young ages helps attain that godly goal. You do not start at age 12, no!

*we do not need silly programs or separate classes for the youth as they are to grow up sober like adults listening to the Holy Word. 

3) Parents are instructed to bring discipline and a rod of correction and have order in the home. See Proverbs 22:15

*this is important as if your child does not behave in the body or at home, parents are expected to correct them (using a rod/spanking) if need be.

4) Children should be trained at young ages to be like small adults in conduct, dress and attention span etc etc. See Proverbs 22:6

*It is never too young to start them to sit, listen, behave and pay attention for age appropriate times of course, at home and in the body

5) Even if you do small bible studies, the children should be taught to be present, sit, be quiet and play silently if very young while Dad is in the Word alone or with others.

*This is perfect training for larger gatherings is it not? 

With those basics in mind, I need to say there is really NOT a lot directly taught in the bile about children in the NT body gathering. We can glean some facts that will help us as we gather and include the children of other saints. (we have none ourselves as they are grown)

*There was no evidence of separating families or believers in the early NT body. It was a "family event" so we can assume the children were there and taught to listen or play quietly at very young ages. (Sunday school and young programs are all of man NOT God and they grow up silly, carnal foolish youth not; sober holy saints)

*Parents were responsible to have their houses in order (including children) as Paul makes it a requirement for elders. See Titus 1:6

(if a man has unruly children, how can he lead others in the Lord?)

*The goal is to train the youth up quickly to be mature/small adults so listening to the Word being taught at home and taking part in the NT body is a expected part of that proper function. 

(children must be taught their role in the body which is to obey parents, be silent, listen and honor God with order, not confusion. 1 Cor 14:33)

*young girls need to learn to be quiet in the body (1 Cor 14:34) and young boys need to learn to study/listen to one day partake and add to the body gathering. (1 Cor 14:26)   

(the children need to be taught their role at very young ages then expected both in the home, in public and in the body to fill those God given roles.) 

*parents should be expected to have children that behave in a gathering and do not disrupt the body function. If they do act up it is dads role to deal with it/remove them if need be. If dad does not rule his home and it causes disorder, the elders should get involved to help dad rule his home biblically. 

Some age guidelines: (all children different) 

It is understandable small children under 1 year can be a handful at times. But even at young ages, they can learn rules and discipline. As they grow, they should be able to sit with a coloring book or quiet toy and be still for a reasonable time span before they need a break. At 3-7 years of age roughly they are easily able to sit longer quietly as they obey parents rule over them. After age 8 or so (all depending on the child) they should be able to start listening to messages/teachings and picking up God's truth as they mature. By doing this all, by the time they are teenagers they are well on their way to being sober and functioning NT body attenders.    

As Peter says in 1 Peter 5:3 that elders should be a example to the flock. 

So while leaders are to be a example, parents and children; you should also strive to be examples to others as well. It is very possible to attain as we have seen children at age 6 months to 1 year learn to sit quietly and pay attention or at least not make fusses and be still, playing on their own quietly for set/planned times. They will do what you train them to do parents.

Rebellion is Serious:

I need to remind you that rebellious children were stoned to death in the Old Testament (Deut 21:18-21) so you need to take it serious parents today, even now in the New Covenant.

It is a historical fact that young Jewish males were considered men at age 13-14 and marriages often happened at young ages. Do not be sold the lie that your children "cannot" be mature young adults even by their mid teen years. The biblical NT body life will help you grow them up for God's glory.  

In closing, parents you should not come to the NT body and "then" expect children to be orderly. No, they should be trained and already doing that at home via discipline and consistent rules/behavior enforcement that will grow up godly young saints one day. You want them ready to hear God's Word and partake in a orderly gathering to honor God as He has ordained. 


I have seen so many parents make children an IDOL, meaning they give they far too much attention, favor, bending of rules and walking in the flesh with them, that God would NOT have you do. You need to know their place and they also need to know their place. (this life is NOT all about them is it?) Do not let your children be noisy, spoiled, unruly, over indulged idols. Strive in the Word men and get your house in order as godly parents.

I hope this article helps you to seek a God honoring order in you home and the NT body gathering regarding your children?

God be praised


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