Van Dweller For Christ Aug 11 2021


I thought I would go back to my daily van posts "for a season". To better redeem the time; I   will add daily pictures, experiences and some witnessing we do, on the way. (most new teachings and verse by verse studies will be put in the Fellowship Gathering area) This post is  just part of the daily life of a gospel street preacher/his wife, as we travel/van dwell and  preach Christ crucified all over  America. May you be blessed by it!

See the gospel and 10 point test:


For those saints in Christ (united to us in fellowship,) I will be focusing MORE on posting  fellowship gathering teachings & verse by verse bible studies as we travel/street preach. 

As you know, I now post those here for your and the NT bodies edification:

ps if you are looking for regular fellowship and edifying daily, shoot me an email, we are here for you.  



We took the day to stay in one peaceful place and get a lot of ministry on line done. But it turned out to be a good full day of ministry to others as well. God is faithful, if we are faithful unto Him. 


I did a teaching on the false satanic way of... Drunk in the Spirit


Just some highlights of my day:

* I got some study, research, testings and teachings done

*a drifter came over to ask about a borrowing a can opener. I broke ours on his can of food but we got it open. I was able to share the gospel truth with him and he took a bible too. 

*A man was lost looking for a hotel and I was able to help him find his way. He got the gospel and he was very thankful for it

*I got a email then a fb messenger call from a young street preacher  and we talked for many hours about the Lords truth. It was very encouraging to us all! 


I did an exposing testing on a false NAR / IHOP type prayer ministry:


Sister debbie's post for the day:


Had a brother say this today and it is telling:

God's true saints, they see His truth and they obey it!


Sister debbie got me the biggest nectarine I ever saw!

Some more interesting campers we saw near us last night....



Another great day in the Lord and van dwelling life. Tomorrow has some challenges and work, a minor van shop visit and some preaching in the streets. 

Here is camp for the night:


Do you daily value/love on the true saints that God has put in your life? I mean really value them with a godly fervent daily love? Jesus said love was the mark we are His. John 13 / How are you doing at that saints? We know a few that really love biblically and it is amazing! Then sadly we have seen MANY that love, well not at all. 

Lets all test ourselves in this amen for God's glory?

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:

Here is a 10 point biblical test:
Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog
Go here for audio teachings
Go here for video's: 

Here is our street preaching videos: