Van Dwellers for Christ August 12, 2021


I thought I would go back to my daily van posts "for a season". To better redeem the time; I   will add daily pictures, experiences and some witnessing we do, on the way. (most new teachings and verse by verse studies will be put in the Fellowship Gathering area) This post is  just part of the daily life of a gospel street preacher/his wife, as we travel/van dwell and  preach Christ crucified all over  America. May you be blessed by it!

See the gospel and 10 point test:


For those saints in Christ (united to us in fellowship,) I will be focusing MORE on posting  fellowship gathering teachings & verse by verse bible studies as we travel/street preach. 

As you know, I now post those here for your and the NT bodies edification:

ps if you are looking for regular fellowship and edifying daily, shoot me an email, we are here for you.  


What a glorious day it was today as we did some work, had some phone ministry and we checked out a usual busy town to street preach at but it was dead quiet so, we moved on. You have to be flexible out here on the gospel road and tomorrow we hit the highway moving east to some big events to come, Lord willing. 


God's Love Defined

It is never boring out here in ministry and I had a sad experience with a liar man who claimed Christ. We were speaking, going over doctrines and he CLAIMED that he agreed with the gospel I preach and he wanted to strive for unity. But in short order is was clear he was a deceiver/liar in hiding. Some of the issues I quickly learned about him was:

*he is a novice street preacher but he is teaching doctrine on youtube with much heresy/false teacher associations

*he speaks on many things he has no clue about nor has studied in the Word

*his life and house is not in holy biblical order (feminized)

*he does not work but sends his wife out to work

*he is a calvinist/promotes them when he stated; he was not!

*he harkens to his wife (like Adam) when she is far from biblical

*we finally parted when I also learned he has a twisted view of God's love. (I warned him 3 times then moved on per Titus 3)

He went on rampage to prove his telling the world Jesus LOVES YOU is biblical. He ignored the scriptures I sent him that proves God does HATE the wicked and His wrath is coming for them; not His love. Psalm 5:5 / Psalm 11:5 /John 3:36

He then claimed, I am a unloving heretic with a false Jesus and he would expose me. Well, get in line Mr. as so many heretic haters say they will expose me but they do not use sound doctrine; but always lies. 

To make things clear to those who do read this blog and my teaching this is what I teach on God's love:

*God sent Jesus in a one time act of love for all of the world. John 3:16

*Jesus died/loved for us while we were yet sinners but that love to eternal life/ ONLY applies to those who repent and seek Him (Romans 5:8) not the world that stays in sin/rebellion.

*The ONLY way to get that love is via faith in Christ's work,  repenting, new life, obedience as fruit and enduring in that faith till the end. 

*If you are NOT safely IN Christ / you keep willful sin you will not get/see God's love but His wrath. John 3:36 / Heb 10:26-27 

*It is UNBIBLICAL to tell the world God loves you today as they live in sin/rebellion. They must be told that God loved in Jesus ONCE but; repentance to Christ is how that love comes to them or they get His anger/wrath.

The man teaches a false itchy eared man pleasing gospel!

Here are two links that explain it well in the Word:

3 articles on Gods love here:

Fact: the most evangelistic book in the bible (Acts) not once uses the word love... not once. But it says..... repent! 

I do enjoy being tested to the Word but lied about; that is another story!

I stand by what I teach. We are to call men to repent, NOT just tell them God loves them as they live in sin and rebellion!


I saw this camper and it is like a apartment compared to our lil van.


If you do not think covid craziness has taken over, check out these people in Europe:

The day I have to be outside in a PLASTIC BUBBLE, oh take me home Lord!!!


The old gospel van needed some tire rotation work and it was done perfectly and fast. 

The young man got the gospel and he said his dad is a priest. I hope he studies the scriptures deep!


Well, it is happening. That unbiblical Baptist man in Tennessee that I rebuked to his face; is having the NAR mystic heretic Sean Feucht (that I rebuked to his face) at his tent meeting. More ecumenical ism to deceive the masses! 

 See them both exposed here:


Sister debbie's post for the day here:


Here is where we lay our tired heads today. Thank you Lord!

I have one word for you saints... MARANATHA!

We love you with a fervent love!

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel:   

Here is a 10 point biblical test:

Dontperish Facebook:  

Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog

Go here for audio teachings

Go here for video's: 

Here is our street preaching videos: