Van Dwellers For Christ Oct 21 2021


We travel full time all over America to street preach Christ crucified to the lost  culture  and at religious places or events.

I thought I would go back to my daily van posts to edify the saints. To better redeem the time; I will add daily pictures, experiences and some witnessing we do, on the way. (most new teachings like verse by verse will go here and I will put offerings in the Fellowship Gathering area also) This post is just part of the daily life of a gospel street preacher/his wife, as we travel/van dwell, make disciples and preach Christ crucified all over America. May you be blessed by it!

See all of our resources at the end of this post to edify you in the truth. 

ps if you are looking for regular daily fellowship, communication and accountable loving edifying, shoot us an email. We are here for you if striving for the Kingdom and obeying God's truth is your goal.


O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.

1 Tim 6:20


We had a glorious several days "kind of" off line; on a peaceful Missouri homestead of a man wanting to speak of Christ. We met him out witnessing and were helping to encourage him as he strives to get his life and marriage in order for Christ. We are joyous to report that through much strife/ hardship; he wants to push on in Christ and do it with us!

The following are just some pictures from our visit that I share to encourage and uplift you all:

Some fish were caught.....

A nice moon over a "pond scene" dinner

Here was some of the critters we saw there:

Delightful ducks

Sister debbie picked a bunch of fresh veggies out of the tiny little garden. 
(some heretic feminized man designed/planted it all but he is gone and it can be redeemed for God's people amen?)

We were so blessed and it was a nice break but; back on the gospel road we go!   



If you love and fear God; do not be worldly in form showing clothing men:

Dress as God ordained in Genesis 3;21 at the first blood sacrifice. It was long, loose, untucked unadorned garments to cover/clothe the temple. All godly men did through out history; including Jesus. See articles on that here:


False pastor Mike Winger is not NOT sober minded as he toys with occult Halloween for fun!

See updates on all his heresy at this link:


It takes a lot of time refuting false teachers but it must be done. Often it is not fruitful to communicate long with them as they trample God's truth. Then you just have to pluck them out and tonight I did that to one right off of my messenger feed! See why we contend here:


Some good witnessing audio's that were posted yesterday:


Sister debbie and I stopped at a food dent / bent and we took you all with us via a video. Enjoy it here:


So many good and godly things happening to report: 

Here is a brothers gospel card in Swedish.

Here is what it says in English:

I ask you; how awesome is that you saints of the Most High?

Glory to our God


The latest edification for the ladies here:


We are still in Missouri and this is camp dontperish tonight under the moon:  

We are planning for some weekend street preaching and then a trip back to our own homestead soon. We will rest up there for just a few days, do a project or two; then head out. We know winter cold weather is coming and down south is where the fertile street preaching is to be found. There are many many events with massive amounts of the worlds lost people gathering there! 

A older brother and I were talking recently. If you line up 100 people (rich, poor, young, old, atheist or spiritual) and tried to guess, who would come to Christ. Most times, the last person you expect is the one who comes! This shows us to always use great wisdom in how we judge any matter, amen? See Matthew 7 on judging

We love you all and are so BLESSED to know a few holy ekklesia saints. 

Strive on you children of the the King!

Brother James with sister debbie  


Here is the biblical gospel:    

Here is a 10 point biblical test:  

Dontperish Facebook:  

Spirit and Truth Teaching Blog 

Go here for audio teachings

Go here for video's: 

Here is our street preaching videos: