Family and Their Wicked Persecution


 The bible is very clear on how a biblical faith in Christ and walking in His truth; will cause persecution

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 2 Tim 3:12

I want all you saints to be ready and not be taken back by the level of evil from people (your own blood family) you once thought you had a decent relationship with.

Jesus also said that:

And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. Matt 10:21

As a testimony and for God's glory: I want to share a sad family situation we have just experienced. This is not in spite or hate (we love them all) but to get it in the public record to edify / warn others saints who will go through it themselves. 

My wife (sister debbie) learned that here mother 77 was sick. (we have been separated from them for many years because they refused the Word of God as they keep false Lutheran / worldly ways) We offered to go see them to share love and truth but; we were rejected again. (they refused for me to go as they think I have brain washed debbie) So we both agreed and stayed away to honor God and keep the peace. Debbie's unregenrated family member (who had for years allowed us to be us and have a relationship seeing them/grandchildren twice a year as we traveled) then lashed out at her (and me) angry that we were keeping biblical separation from her mom/dad, that the Word commands we do. (see a link on that topic below) She ended her relationship with her mom and in great hypocrisy she raised honor your mother from the bible. Then as she was angry her mom was separating from her grand mother; she separated from her own mom.  

I do not make this stuff up!

I then lovingly sent a letter of peace/with the gospel to her husband (man to man) to his work in the hopes of reconciling. He knows me well and we have talked God's truth before) He is a public servant and their office address is all over the internet with his name. It was a letter of truth, a offer of a meeting and discussion. (see the words of my letter below) 

We then got a angry fb message from the family member accusing me of things, angry over the letter and saying they would put a restraining order on me! For what; a letter of peace? It is pure evil, wicked and sinful. I guess they hate me because I witnessed the gospel to sister debbie years ago and she was born a new; while they still live in their old sins and want the old debbie back but; she is dead in Christ.  

Here is her last message to us then we blocked her as she cannot speak into our home any longer:

Note: keep in mind these same people once said they loved us, let us visit/communicate, we baby sat in their home when the had another baby, they borrowed money from us once (paid us back) and they were even considering us buying a fixer upper home near us that they would live in/fix up to get a start for them. All that time... we were the same believers as we are today. Were they were fakes and phonies? We just visited them 5 months ago with a nice visit, so we thought.  

Something happened and it appears this family member has been influenced / turned over to evil ways.  

Here is the letter I sent that warranted her legal threats???

"I hope you are well? It makes me sad but this needed to be sent. We love you all and thought we had a respectful relationship. Your wife has chosen to go this route saying things that are not true and has drawn a line between our homes. So be it we say and as I messaged her let there no more communication until you decide to call me and discuss it; we will stay away. For the record, we stand on God's Word and Debbie 100 percent agrees with me on truth of her own accord. Everyone in the family including your wife accuse but they will not open the bible and correct us. We stand in the Word where do you all stand? Traditions of men and feminism will get you nowhere. We offered to come see her parents many times, they chose their false ways and man made religion. Jesus did say let the dead bury the dead...look that verse up. Again we love you all but Gods truth and glory comes before blood family. I know you know the truth as I witnessed it to you before. see these tracts. I fear for your home. Lies were told but we forgive and will pray. I am happy to talk with you man to man anytime. Until then please tell your wife to not reach out again. God be praised / you must worship in spirit and truth John 4:24 / what kingdom are you living for?"


As I said; we love them all and this is so sad but; we will gladly give up our visiting / communication with them and our grand children for the cause of Christ. We rejoice at being persecuted for His name sake. 

God knows the truth of this all...... 

Jesus also said this:

And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. Matt 19

Please be warned saints as evil is out there and the world (unregenerated family) can and often will turn on you like a mad dog! In this case, it is rabid feminism and hate for the simple truth of God's Holy Word. 

Here is a link on sinful partiality towards blood family

See this link on biblical separation:

May this true story (not gossip and names were removed) edify and prepare the people of God for what is ahead in these evil last days.

God be praised


Here is the biblical gospel: