The study of God's revealed Word to us is critical if we are to know how to follow after Him. Today I want to talk about how we study God's Word and a very common error of bad context.
In the pictures offered here; you see screen captures from a writers blog with two verses used then a commentary on the verses.
The point of the article is a good one in that some really seek God and others hardly at all. This is a true word but the writer goes very wrong when he uses Herod as an example of a lukewarm believer. In context... Herod was only trying to find Jesus to kill Him! If the writer would read on... in context... he would have seen that and not used Herod as an example of a non seeking saint. Perhaps a far better example in context would be the rich young ruler who wanted eternal life but it was shown he loved his stuff more then Christ!
We see this bad context used all the time in false religious places and in false teachers who twist truth to fit a wrong narrative. It can be a mistake at times done by novices but often it is done out of a wrong motive like satan in the garden.
Make sure you read and study in context to then have the truth that sets you free and sanctifies us.
John 8:32 and John 17;17
Here is an article on context:
Test all things and strive on; ye saints of God
Brother Tupos
Here is the biblical gospel:
Here is a 10 point biblical test:
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