Van Dwellers Street Preaching Christ Journal March 27 2023


We travel all over America as (self funded / full time) van dwellers to street preach/witness Christ crucified to the lost culture in the streets, at religious places, events and any open market places. 

Our desire is to be in van life, preach Christ crucified, disciple saints via His truth and reach the lost. The following is my post that shows places, events and interesting things we encounter in van life for Christ to edify you and our offerings from our website. 



March 27 2022

It was a very interesting day today in van life. I got a $1 coffee on discount and of course the gospel goes out with it. The place I go into is like a market place of all kinds of people so I like it.....

We stopped at a thrift store and the gospel went out all over it...

               Anyone know what this is? I will post the answer tomorrow.   

I got this text from a man upset that I exposed his brother for his sin. I am amazed at the so called men of God who love to hide in the dark vs walk in the light. If you do not live in sin and false ways; why would you ever be afraid to speak out to anyone or that you might be exposed? Only criminals run from the police and only men who live in sin and false doctrine do not want to be close to God's true saints. The bible says call out and expose sin. 
I have a teaching coming out on this soon.... 


Here the Hutterite cult gets exposed by one of its own for massive sin including drunken-ness where a man died and the police investigated.

Read an ex hutterite's words against them:


Witnessing to the homeless and a car load of young men 

Listen two several witnessing audios here:


Titus 3:10-16 verse by verse audio teaching


Water Filter Container / Van Life video Tip


Sister Aman Shares:

Good day to my sister soldier saints!

O give thanks unto the Lord ; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever. 

Psalm 118:1 

There's a new audio reading of Psalms 118 HERE, and 1 Corinthians 16 HERE.  And I share some beautiful flowers with you that our Father created.  

I saw those while going into a store to see about sharing the gospel and 'going far' for my Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 meal duties. Speaking of which, there's another Proverbs 31 verse by verse audio HERE.  

I had already given the woman at the checkout, a gospel card but my efforts were there and the Lord knows I was ready to give an answer.  I was blessed to find a good deal though.


If you're interested, there's another Sister Sharing audio up and in it are some thoughts on hiding things in the dark, me killing my flesh and sharing some awesome scripture. You can find that HERE

The Lord be praised and honor brought to Him through our obedient lives amen sisters?
Until tomorrow, if we get it, hold fast and cling to the truth.
In godly love,
Sister Aman


This was our last day in this town as the rain has passed on after many days. We are headed out tomorrow to new travels and hopeful an event this weekend to preach at though; spring weather is always iffy. I sat on a bench and did my verse by verse audio study tonight and you can see my sunset with my walking stick in it here:

It got even more beautiful as time went on.

Hold fast saints for God..... talk till tomorrow, Lord willing.


This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources: