March 27 2022
It was a very interesting day today in van life. I got a $1 coffee on discount and of course the gospel goes out with it. The place I go into is like a market place of all kinds of people so I like it.....
We stopped at a thrift store and the gospel went out all over it...
Anyone know what this is? I will post the answer tomorrow.
I got this text from a man upset that I exposed his brother for his sin. I am amazed at the so called men of God who love to hide in the dark vs walk in the light. If you do not live in sin and false ways; why would you ever be afraid to speak out to anyone or that you might be exposed? Only criminals run from the police and only men who live in sin and false doctrine do not want to be close to God's true saints. The bible says call out and expose sin.
Here the Hutterite cult gets exposed by one of its own for massive sin including drunken-ness where a man died and the police investigated.
Read an ex hutterite's words against them:
Witnessing to the homeless and a car load of young men
Listen two several witnessing audios here:
Titus 3:10-16 verse by verse audio teaching
Water Filter Container / Van Life video Tip
Sister Aman Shares:
Good day to my sister soldier saints!
O give thanks unto the Lord ; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 118:1
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