I was in email communication with a man for sometime and he sent this email that I wanted to share here. To set the context, this man was sitting in churchianity for many years and came to me having finally left it but; still clinging to heresy like, once saved always saved. We got past that and he agreed on the true gospel when shown truth. But he many times ignored an offer to get on the phone man to man to study. He then started emailing topics all over the map so; I told him go study on topics "one by one" then lets see if we can agree and biblical clothing came up first. He never went and studied God's word on the topic (dress) in scripture and he came back with this email which I will answer line by line here to edify all. See his email in blue and my words with **** by them.
See the gospel to eternal life here: https://www.dontperish.com/the-gospel.html
Good afternoon!
Matthew 8:5-13. The Roman centurion had faith and Jesus healed his servant from afar. Jesus said that the centurion believed. This is a Roman, not a Jew. Jesus didn’t confront the man on how he was dressed. He would have been dressed like a Roman military man, adorned as such.
***** This is a common mistake many novice men make. Proof texting meaning pulling out one verse and ignoring the many others in God's Holy Word to build doctrine. Because Jesus saw the soldiers faith, healed his servant and Christ said nothing about other sins of the Roman Soldier (say his clothing) this man is claiming that its OK for that soldier to live outside of God's Word... if... he just believes? That is heresy and this is a common erroneous way to approve of sin that many use. If that is true what he claims; (Jesus said nothing) then the woman at the well can keep fornicating with a man that she is not married to as Jesus NEVER told her to leave him.
Jesus said to her, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband,’ 18 for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly.” John 4
Even the sodomites use this false way as they will say; Jesus NEVER condemned sodomy Himself so; he was ok with it. Yet the rest of scripture teaches against sodomy as sin. It is total foolishness and a dangerous way to read scripture! If we use this mans logic that "one area of scripture makes doctrine", that means this soldier could go out and kill for Caesar yet, Jesus said; live by the sword, you die by it. (Matt 26:52) Anyone who has faith in God will come into full obedience on all areas of scripture/doctrine or miss the kingdom. Just ask the rich man.
The fact is Jesus said we live by EVERY Word out of God's mouth. Matthew 4:4 and He said teach them to OBEY all His commands Matt 28:20 ....this man needs to study those verses as they teach much including....biblical dress for God's people.
How can we live in a country where we are free, are protected by police and firefighters and paramedics and not think that saved people can be in those roles? This is where I question the biblical reasoning behind your statements on biblical dress.
***** He is referring to an email where I said, who said God's people should be in police work or into the war machine military? We are to be holy 1 Peter 1:15 not worldly (I never said anything about fire fighters or paramedics, he did) The point is how anyone could anyone condone "holy believer men" in the military or the police doing a corrupt governments biding and at risk to be killing others is beyond me? Jesus and the NT Word is totally against believers using force and killing others. That is for the government to do Romans 13 and we are NOT to be if the world. There are so FEW true saints, they do NOT need to be in those roles at all. So biblical dress should not even be an issue for military and police today. If you do get born again, just LEAVE those potential people killing careers for God's glory. Jesus did say to lose your entire life. Matt 10:39 / Sadly many make idols out of careers these days. This man was in the military so it may be clouding his views.
Do you shop at Walmart or target or any publicly traded company store? Those companies are not godly. Oil companies are not godly, but you buy gasoline. You use a website that is most likely hosted by Microsoft, google, or Amazon web services as those three companies control almost all web activity whether people know it or not. Those companies are all ungodly. Are you unbiblically yoked since you are utilizing their services? Partnering with them to do business/host your website?
**** Here he switches totally "off topic" from dress to being in the world. This is a common ploy to get away from obeying God in all things like... dress or head covering. We are told we are NOT to be of the world but; we are in it. Romans 12;2 / Using things of the world ( internet or gasoline or buying things on line is NOT sinful if we use it for good, not sin or the flesh. Phil 4:8 / Jesus made it clear....He told His saints to pay wicked corrupt Caesar taxes but give to God what is God's. Matt 22:15-22 / Me being in the world using things like the internet for the gospel, has NOTHING to do with how I dress my temple for God does it? The world does NOT defile me in those ways but I defile myself...sin.... when I disobey God. This is the fruit of men who are not clinging to scripture but grasping for anyway to NOT strip down their lives and homes in holiness. Many times the wives are resisting and they are trying to please her or family and I have seen that for years. Note: This same man was defending tv and sports as well. He is a novice to God's truth but is saying things he knows not the full truth of. Proverbs says that is foolish.
I am truly trying to understand where you are coming from with all of this, and whether or not you are choosing specific things to focus on for people that come to you while overlooking other things.
***** If he would look at my website; I teach on EVERY doctrine in scripture and clothing is just one of them. If your heart is changed, scripture says your outside should change and obey. I just did a teaching on clothing abomination. Here it is:
It’s like with the topic of children and dress and schooling and all of that, you and your wife never dealt with that under the way you live know.
**** On this part; he is correct as our children were all grown and gone before we were saints. But; I can promised you my children today would be biblically in all their ways including dress the day I saw it was biblical, no excuses! This man is admitted he will take "a while to get it done" and that is sinful as we are to honor God by FLEEING all sin; not lingering in it. If his wife was cheating with another man, how long would he want her to take to STOP it I wonder? This is hypocrisy at its greatest ....
It is much easier to prescribe these things to others when it’s just the two of you and you don’t have to work for a company or raise a large family or do any of that. You made money and lives like everything else for how long? 50 years? It’s much easier to do what you are doing now after living a life like the rest of the world.
**** Even after I invited him to hear my audio testimony on line and I even told him about it in email, this man is not listening very well. I had a salesman job and began to dress biblical. My boss called me in and I stood my ground. I was mocked and ridiculed for it! They made my life miserable for years and finally fired me for no reason (except I was a believer) So I do know what it is to be persecuted for the Lord in dress and everything else. We have lost our careers, grand children and blood families for Christ and we rejoice in it all (Matt 5:10-12) Losing my career was the best thing to happen to me outside of Christ and my godly wife! Are today's claimed believing men so pathetic/weak today they cant get new jobs or tell a boss; hey, this is my clothing for the Lord! If you cannot say that to a boss/job, NO WAY you will die for the Lord. These men are fooling themselves and God sees the cowardice (Rev 21:8 fearful man wont enter in the kingdom) vs boldness and truth!
I am trying to raise 6 young boys per the Bible, but without adding anything burdensome that is not required. I hope you understand where I am coming from, and I am not attacking you in any way.
**** He is the leader and it should be no problem to change clothing or anything else in his house for the Lord, asap! So he does not even know what scriptures says on dress and he says it could be burdensome. Why isn't he going to scripture. Good news, as no where does the scriptures say being obedient is a burden? What makes it hard is when you let your flesh lead you around or a job or a wife or family or the culture. I did a teaching on His yoke is easy and you can see it here:
Your Brother in Christ,
*** I want to believe that he is my brother but; I do not see that fruit as of yet. Jesus said we know by fruit per Matt 7 / He is not fully obeying God but making excuses it seems and not rushing to the Word. And after many many invites to come study the Word or even try to meet face to face; he has ignored them all. We are only a few states away and it is clear he wants no meeting and not even man to man biblical study on the phone study. That is what it is (sinful I think) but it means his other option is my website and it is there 24-7 and added to daily. Note: I do not go on and on via just email as God deserves so much MORE.
As you see I have shown that this mans ill study ways are very dangerous. If you are going to toss out the dress standard that is all over Gods Word because Jesus didnt mention it, we have to toss out all sin/doctrine and you are left with easy believism of churchianity. I hope that is not where this mans belongs after all?
I hope he goes on and grows up to value all of Gods Word, to obey to salvation and to love His people as He should. I have loved him but now need to leave him at this time. In love he is leaven.....
My website is there for him and he has my text..... if he ever changes his mind.
Here are links on biblical dress for men and woman with many articles attached. It is important as this is our temple, we are not our own, God Himself dressed us, it shows pride or not, it is fruit you are of Him and it is all over Holy scripture:
God be praised
This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources: