April 1 2023
Another day in van dwelling life and it was such a good day. We had a massive rain storm and a tornado watch so our street preach got canceled. But we are flexible and we made the most of the day. As it was pouring rain I was pondering a new audio I aim to do called
I DON'T CARE! (you will find out what its all about soon)
Sister Aman got me a discount deal on blueberries and waffles from a store and she made me this. It was awesome!!!! ( I got more come on out and have some?)
We found a nice parking lot and worked online once the storm passed.
A dear sister far away shared this pic of farm critters and it warmed my old homestead heart
I got to help several brothers who reached out for help today and it is such a blessing to know others striving in the faith in holiness through trials and persecution. Pray for them will you....
I got more verse by verse done....
James 1:12-16 Verse by Verse Audio Study
And another teaching to edify you all
People Are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge Hosea 4:6
It was a GREAT month for street witnessing.....
Witnessing March 2023
Check out this link that shows all the preaching events we did in March 2023... most with video and audio to edify you. (this does not include daily one on one street witnessing)
Sister Aman Shares:
Good evening sister saints!
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. [8] The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
Psalm 121:7-8
There are more audio bible readings for women up... 2 Corinthians 4 HERE and Psalm 121 HERE .
We were sposed to go preach the gospel at an event today but it got rained out, so we worked online.
In the afternoon when it stopped, we flew gospel signs on our van in a busy place and gave out gospel cards / witnessed. I walked into a store and saw a man playing a violin (you can hear about that on the sister sharing audio) and he got a gospel card.
Speaking of gospel cards, our gospel card picture (front and back) has been added to our gospel page HERE. We get emails asking about what sort of gospel cards we hand out so they're easy to find.
I eat a lot of soup so that's what I made again today. Thankful for simple yet nourishing foods...I'd serve you a bowl!
I found these on discount for brother Tupos...
And for some more random Titus 2 things that might make you smile like they did me....
Honey, an amazing food and what a blessing. I thought that was a nice display.
I'd rather make pumpkin muffins from the real thing, grown from the garden and with farm fresh eggs and fresh ground flour and.....lol....but I'd be happy to eat them from a mix if a sister made them! We don't wanna get wrapped up in foods and things like that. I think of 1 Corinthians 10:27 how Paul says to eat what's put before you (knowing it's about food / idols etc) but the concept can be the same if a sister (or brother cuz they can cook too) were to feed us, that we would be thankful for whatever it was that she so graciously made. (Of course if there are physical ailments that restrict us the sister would know that.) The meaning is to be thankful, not picky and not swept away in such things as food when there are other things more important.
Those tomatoes are beautiful and I could definitely eat them after being made into soup! Praise the Lord for how He provides food!
Since we're on the subject of food, I paid $3.29 for what's in that basket. (And the fruit was super sweet!)
It won't be long until asparagus season. We used to live by a big field of it and they sold it $2 /lb, fresh picked every day. I used to have a couple big rows of them at one time and as a child used to walk along the railroad tracks hunting in the weeds for it.
Won't be long and before you know it, it'll be this time again...
I used to can so much that brother Tupos had a shed for me to store them all as they got emptied through the winter.
And fermenting, I used to do that too. I never used anything like that but I'm sure it works good. At one time we bought a pallet load of cabbages (ended up being .20 cents per head) and I made kraut in a bunch of 5 gallon buckets that lasted us all winter long.
I just had to show you these. I saw them at a thrift store and thought it was a great idea, a plate that turns into a cover for the big mug. Like if you're eating soup, you can put the plate, with bread on it, on top to warm it up, or keep the soup warm while constantly getting up to get the things you forgot lol. Just some Good and pure things we can share as Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 women, going about our days, serving the one who gave us eternal life if we endure.
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:30
After the storms and then a calm day, we had a peaceful clear sunset with a nice parking spot and some thankfully ....quiet neighbors.
I hope the Lord is shining in your heart and life today no matter what?
Repent and obey the gospel.....
Brother Tupos
This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources: