We travel all over America as (self funded / full time) van dwellers to street preach/witness Christ crucified to the lost culture in the streets, at religious places, events and any open market places.
Our desire is to be in van life to preach Christ crucified, disciple saints via His truth and reach the lost. The following is our journal that shows latest posts, teachings, places, events and interesting things we encounter in van life for Christ to edify you and other offerings from our website. See the biblical path to eternal life here:
April 13 2023
The morning was awesome and we never ever take those for granted. We traveled over the mountains to head north towards some events to preach at.
********************************************************************I was in a market place and wanted to witness to two workers there who helped me but it wasnt working out, timing wise. I was almost ready to leave but felt a strong pull by the Spirit to get it done. Right about that time (I had almost left) both walked right up to the counter together and they got the gospel!
God is so faithful..... if we are.
I did an audio teaching on; Belts in the Bible and it will bless you:
We rolled into our new town and I saw a man begging on the corner so I went to give him the good news of Christ. I will witness to the millionaire in the massive motor home to the guy with a card board sign begging, covered with sores and smelling of booze/body odor as we love them all. See the video here:
We stopped in a home improvement center and in van life these places can be a great refuge. We can get needed items for the van here and we get to camp there at times as well. We do witness the gospel there as well many times so we are thankful for that the most.
In this area, they use pine needles for landscaping mulch; I thought that was very interesting to me.
I saw this door mat and it hit me that what you view as home makes a HUGE difference on how you live for the Lord on earth. That is why van life is so different and valuable to us as saints because; we have no home here but we look towards heaven.
We hear of many shootings and killings as we travel though areas. I heard today this story and it was in a town I know well having been there many times in a rural area of Wisconsin. How very sad and did you know that God destroyed the earth's people in Noah's day over..... violence! See Genesis 6:11
People wonder why we OPPOSE religious places today. I saw this churchianity system that is putting on a festival with bounce houses, air balloon's, massive foods and all kinds of carnal entertainment. Jesus said preach the gospel yet; they make a itchy eared circus out of the Lords ways!
We stopped at dent bent food place and got healthy turkey jerky for $1.29 a bag
Here is a neat witnessing story as a man saw our van, he came over and asked to look inside as he wants to get one soon. We talked and had a good conversation and he got the gospel. Then he left but brought over some product that he sells, that we actually use and like a lot. That was so kind of him and we were able to bless him with something as well. Then while I was looking for him, I witnessed to 4 young restaurant workers as well. It was awesome.....
Another van dweller tip video:
Mini Butane Torch
Sister Aman Shares:
Good day sister saints! I hope you are holding fast to sound doctrine and rejoicing / laughing at the time to come as we see the Proverbs 31 woman does.
Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
Proverbs 31:25
I haven't gotten the last Proverbs 31 verse by verse done but I haven't forgotten it! We've been busy with other good works and I always tell myself to be satisfied and content with what I can get done in a day, even though the time seems to go by faster as I get older lol. I did get an audio reading done on 2 Corinthians 11 HERE and Psalm 128 HERE and some more clothes washed this morning when we found more water. (And of course all my other normal Titus 2 things I have to do....I love doing such works, keeping my hands busy.)
The gospel went out many times this morning then we drove over the mountains heading to our destination and were thankful for good acceleration up one side and good brakes down the other. We're always thankful for a safe trip and the gospel went out when we got on the other side here.
Before we headed out today I was blessed to have a few minutes to walk through the garden center and marvel at God's creation. I especially love the vegetable plants and am in awe how He can feed us from that which grows from the ground, from where we came from. I took a few minutes to wander through the veggies, reminiscing about the gardens I used to have but more so the quiet time I had to spend with the Lord then. It was so awesome and I'm thankful for those memories as they are a gift, but as I told sisters, I traded that for the Lord and sharing His truth (the GOSPEL) with others out here in the world. (Click HERE if you want to see more of God's amazing flower creations.)
I have to go now sisters, there's a lot of ministry projects to work on so Lord willing I'll be back tomorrow. Hold fast and look up! He's our Truth, our Light, our Hope our Strength....He's ALL!
Sister Aman
I share our sunset with you all as we end our day on the gospel road
I am humbled by how God uses us out here no matter where we go. We are just lowly tools offering the gospel to anyone who will hear it and may those seeds root deep in lost souls unto salvation. We want to reach as many as we can because NO ONE ever reached us with the truth that alone can bring salvation.
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12
His love and grace to you all....
Brother Tupos with sister Aman
This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources: