Van Dwellers Street Preaching Christ Journal April 2 2023


We travel all over America as (self funded / full time) van dwellers to street  preach/witness Christ crucified to the lost culture in the streets, at religious places, events and any open market places. 

Our desire is to be in van life, preach Christ crucified, disciple saints via His truth and reach the lost. The following is my post that shows places, events and interesting things we encounter in van life for Christ to edify you and our offerings from our website.


April 2 2023

The Lord gave us another day to serve Him in van life. It started off quiet with beautiful weather and thoughts of His goodness / mercy that leads to repentance. 

Then we decided to go and visit a false religious body called Central Baptist Church. We went to stand peacefully outside of it to warn them about their sin and false ways. Here is their "so called" Reverend Sapp (no man should be called reverend / who had no answers in God's Word on this say for all their sin I rebuked them for)

They showed no love for God's Word in anyway nor do they love us so John 13 condemns them. 

You can see the video of it here and a testing to come of them soon: 


I got an email from the other side of the earth from a believer man. His wife had emailed us going around him for advise. We guided her back to him and he saw her emails that we did that. Then he thanked me for being biblical in this matter. The bible teaches us to walk blameless for God and I am so thankful for the words instruction to us!  


I took a evening witnessing walk later in the day and saw this car packed with garbage. We see amazing things out here for sure.....

I like getting a ice water and walking in the evening / hanging out at busy places and I get to hand out gospel cards; always.

I saw this in a gas station and I got good practice at killing my flesh as I like pizza but; I do not get it very often at all. Be led by the spirit; not the flesh saints.   

I walked past these electric car chargers and it makes me think of the foolishness of the green car mindset. The say we need to move away from oil/gas but without the diesel and gas heavy equipment to dig in the ground and make their batteries, they have no electric cars. Not to mention it is natural gas, coal and nuclear energy making power to charge them up daily. Man is so foolish in so many ways as his so called wisdom; becomes vain in the end. 

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

Proverbs 12:15


Sister Aman shares:

Good evening sisters who are faithful to the Lord!

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. 

Luke 16:10 

If the Lord gives us sisters a little and we don't use it for Him, He's not going to keep giving us more is He?  Let's all press one another on to greater holiness and obedience to Him because we love Him because He first loved us.

The moon.

We were out on the streets most of the day today between standing out at a religious body (as brother Tupos posted) and then out on the streets flying gospel signs in a down town area.  I took you sisters along, lol kinda, and showed you what it's like and shared some thoughts and witnessing.  You can find that HERE if you're interested. I'll try to share some more of those times as we go but I'll do my best not to bombard with too many videos lol.

A sister, who recently lost her unbelieving husband, has been going through her house and eliminating many things.  She shared these pictures.  I'm thankful for faithful sisters who stand for the truth and don't waver for anyone or anything.  Good job sister!

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:2 

I thought those black birds were cute up there. They clean the parking lots pretty good of any food laying around lol.

Looks like rain coming in tomorrow so I'll be another online day, maybe another Proverbs 31 audio to keep going on those but let's see what our day brings if we get it.

Have a good evening sisters and the Lord watch over His faithful daughters.
Sister Aman


The day has come to an end and we have some neighbors again tonight. 

The sky showed us His glory as usual as we see evening come 

We are thankful to do what we do for the Lord. We rest well every night with the goal of knowing; we did our best this day all for His glory. Strive on saints of God..... 

Brother Tupos 


This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources: