We travel all over America as (self funded / full time) van dwellers to street preach/witness Christ crucified to the lost culture in the streets, at religious places, events and any open market places.
Our desire is to be in van life to preach Christ crucified, disciple saints via His truth and reach the lost. The following is our journal that shows latest posts, teachings, places, events and interesting things we encounter in van life for Christ to edify you and other offerings from our website.See the biblical path to eternal life here:
April 20, 2023
Today was an incredible but busy day in van life for so many reasons. The greatest was God used us today to share the gospel with lost souls one on one. We had the usual quiet morning together then we had to hit to road for a long drive to a new state and town as we work our way north and west. We saw some wonderful country views on the way
*************************************************I have been on the phone and email a lot lately regarding the police's attempts to shut down my preaching the other day. (District attorney, police chief, city attorneys and such) I have good reasons why I am doing this all and it is going great. Today I REJOICE as I have an email apology from a city lawyer saying the police were in the wrong to harass me and we did NOT need a permit to street preach. (we are blameless, thank you Lord!) I will do an audio to explain it all soon in great detail...stay tuned
Today I received a nasty email from a woman rebuking me for my preaching at the gospel award event. Then after I told her I would place it online and give an answer line by line (since her husband will not talk to me man to man) she recanted her lies and said she was sorry she sent it. We forgive her no problem but; we still need to place her email online and give an answer as it is a teaching moment and proof why we oppose those ministries. Also they have NOT repented of their false music ministry they are in so their repentance lacks action and fruit.
Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance
Matthew 3:8
I saw this on the FB page of a false man I am about to expose and it is the usual calvinist swill. Of course Jesus made the way for us but; we still have MUCH to do per scripture! The fruit of churchianity folks tell it all as they live in sin and false ways doing very little as fruit they really know him. (Spurgeon was a full blown heretic)
I see this food trucks all over and usually the prices are outrageous like $9 for a sandwich so.....no thanks!
We were very thankful as we arrived to our destination just as the storm rolled in
The area we stopped at has an actual mall in it like the old days and they are very rare
Complete with a photo booth like I sat in as a teenager so I felt like I stepped back in time

A false teacher we have exposed is into rowing for exercise and he went so far to call his new exercise program Rowing 4 Jesus. How demeaning to my Holy God!
After we stood out at a gospel music awards event, we saw there carnality up close. So we are working on some testings of these unbiblical fleshly gospel music ministries as they deceive people with flesh. Stay tuned for those....
Tomorrow is an all day on line work day as it will rain all day so much to come for teaching and edification
Sister Aman Shares:
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:2
Good day sister saints! I love that verse, what a great reminder to us all when we have earthly things to mind and to help us keep our focus. I love this too and I know my sisters to also...
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. [8] Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. [9] Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
Philippians 4:7-9
Oftentimes we quote verse 8 and don't always include 7 and 9 which talk about the peace of God with us. If we use verse 8 as a tool to help us weed out that which is distracting us, we will definitely have more peace won't we? I'm so thankful for that gift of peace as it surely does surpass all understanding like our Master said. What a blessing!
Revived from an old post but the meaning never gets old! |
I saw that cross some time ago while talking a walk, (there's also a cross hanging on it). Makes me think of all the dead rituals of man, making a cross into something of an idol and relic yet not willing to surrender all for the Lord. (Go HERE to read about crosses and paganism.)
We sisters don't want to follow or practice any false ways do we? We want to be and become who the Lord created us to be, like these flowers. Doesn't nature even teach us??? I love that!
This is what I was working on last night; sewing in a neck and sleeve lengths. I've been trying to find a way to keep my big shirts from blowing up in the strong winds when standing out on the streets sharing the gospel and flying signs so I'm trying some nurse scrubs and can put things in the front pockets. I've done this before years ago but they were huge tents that blew right up also lol so now being smarter I get the ones that are not so big but not tight and I'm going to try this one and see if I want a few more. I found both shirts for a total of $4.75 at resale shops so it's a good experiment either way. Hand sewing is definitely challenging but there are good blessings about it.
It's peaceful.
The needle doesn't jam.
The needle never breaks.
I can have my things set up in a minute.
I can put them away in a minute.
I can do it anywhere.
It makes me extra thankful to be able to do it.
There are a couple more audio bible readings up Galatians 1 HERE and Psalm 131 HERE. I'm thankful to be rich with the Word and share it! Today I was able to witness to a woman in a grocery store for quite some time, said she left man made religion and was cleaning all the false teachings of it. I encouraged her to go deeper in some areas, discussed the difference between 'relationshiop' and 'covenant' and many other important topics. That was awesome, and the events lining up to it showed it was perfect timing. Glory to God to be worthy to share His truth!
I hope you sisters have a peaceful night in the Lord, holding fast to His truth.
Blessings to you all,
Sister Aman
Camp dontperish has one neighbor tonight and it is a wet evening as thunder storms roll through the area. We like sleeping in rain storms as in the van, you can hear the rain/wind and it makes you feel close, kind of connected to God's elements. But thankfully we are dry and hunkered down for the night with no severe weather in sight.
Rest well saints and tomorrow is always a new day, if we get it.
Brother Tupos with sister Aman
This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources: