We travel all over America as (self funded / full time) van dwellers to street preach/witness Christ crucified to the lost culture in the streets, at religious places, events and any open market places.
See the biblical path to eternal life here:
April 22 2023
We woke up to a sunny day and plans to go street preach. I took a walk and saw this old washing machine. We used to have one on the homestead just like it. After we got all the morning chores done, we headed out to see what the Lord had for us today?
Street Preaching at Paducah Farmers Market
It was quite a morning at this market from witnessing to a anabaptist man who rejected us, to a 86 year old lady who gets blown over by the wind then witnessed to by sister Aman and I met 2 awesome perfectly professional officers. It was a great day and you can see video and hear audio at this link:
Adam Did Not Sin For Love of Eve (audio teaching)
See this false theology exposed as we test comparing a fallen sinful Adam to a perfect Holy Savior Jesus:
We drove by a huge park and stopped to walk, witness and enjoy the Fathers creation
They had these things you make music on and do not let anyone tell you that music is NOT fleshly as it really is. If we started a band, we would have MANY wanting to gather and sway to music and all. But when you preach truth, righteousness and holiness; then far less are drawn to God's truth. We are the instruments today and see our articles on the teaching blog about that important topic.
On a witness walk, I was leaving gospel cards all over to bless others
I saw a free newspaper (they still make these????) so I took it to see local events and use it to start fires when we are camped in remote areas
Once we got to our night park spot I saw a beggar and went to meet him. Oh he got the gospel, an offer of help and we blessed him with a need.
Sister Aman Shares:
Good day sister saints!
Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.
Luke 17:33
I hope your day was joyous in the Lord, being thankful for all He's done, overcoming one more day for Him because He is worthy!!!!! That verse above is one I shared with a woman today while we were out sharing the gospel at a Farmers Market today, you can see hear the audio of (part) of our talk HERE. And if you want to see the whole thing you can go HERE. I was so thankful to be able to share truth with her as her days certainly are numbered and eternity is coming fast for her. I hope she goes deeper than she has and she's been shown some truth and we are here to help if she wants it.
I love seeing God's creation growing in unique places as it shows me an example that we can learn from, that we saints can also thrive in a world where we don't fit in or are necessarily wanted anyway. There's a new sister sharing audio up, talking about timing and just some encouraging thoughts from brother Tupos and I. You can find that HERE.
After we were done preaching at the Farmers Market, we headed down the road...
...and stopped at a park to work online.
That little island was cute and a nice refuge for the geese (and turtles) to go and get away from everyone in the park if they wanted.
For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.
Isaiah 25:4
Go do a word search on 'refuge' in the bible and it'll bring comfort to you as we see it over and over in there. What an awesome Saviour we serve!
We tossed out some sunflower seeds for the squirrels and birds...
And one of these drove by...
Makes me laugh every time I see one. We've seen them through our travels and we can appreciate the work that goes into having your own business, even something simple like that.
Look at the details on those tiny flowers! Only an awesome and never ending God could do such a thing!
Spring is here and the plants are all coming to life, blooming and producing all that the Lord has created them to do. Let us do the same sisters!
We're planning on standing out at another unbiblical church tomorrow, Lord willing, so let's see how that goes. In the mean time I'm going to go as I have work to do on some exposings of false teaching women in hopes that maybe a potential sister can be warned of such she-wolves, ready to devour them if they aren't testing all things.
Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength
Isaiah 26:4
Here is a video we made about another dumpster witnessing experience we had:
Strive on sister soldier saints!
Sister Aman
Here is our van window view for this evenings sunset. It will be about 35 tonight so it is time for some extra blankets as we do not run heat over night as we sleep great in chilly temps.
What a glorious day we had and we trust yours was that as well. Tomorrow we hope to stand outside a churchianity place to shine the light of Christ to this lost world. I share this truth with you all:
Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; Heb 5
Peace, love and grace to you
Brother Tupos with sister Aman
This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources: