We travel all over America as (self funded / full time) van dwellers to street preach/witness Christ crucified to the lost culture in the streets, at religious places, events and any open market places.
Our desire is to be in van life to preach Christ crucified, disciple saints via His truth and reach the lost. The following is our journal that shows latest posts, teachings, places, events and interesting things we encounter in van life for Christ to edify you and other offerings from our website.See the biblical path to eternal life here:
April 24 2023
Greetings saints and seekers, I hope you are well? We had a great day in the Lord and the morning was so peaceful as we pondered the things of the Lord together. I like our time in the morning to just sit and BE in Christ as husband and wife. We then traveled thru Kentucky farm country headed towards some new events to preach at this weekend. We hit into Missouri and we arrived safe. As always we passed out the gospel as we went to everyone who would receive it, all to His glory.
God's Wrath is a Miracle (audio teaching)
Listen in and see that miracles are more then you think:
We stopped in a store and I saw all this frozen fish. It made me think of all the days I used to fish to fill my freezer and as a hobby/passion; but now I fish for men, praise God!
False teachers abound and this one said Peters shadow that healed was not just a shadow but it was an atmospheric change. If you look up the word in Greek, it means a SHADOW! Do not be deceived by these snake oil salesman. Hold fast to the Word and test all things. 1 Thess 5
At a false religious event a man dressed up like Moses and held the pagan patriotic US flag. This is a heretical way as God is all about Israel NOT America. I saw this awesome camp chairs for van life on sale and honestly we rarely use them so; no point in getting them. I said maybe we will get them one day when we stop preaching and doing full time ministry but we both laughed and said; right! See we have NO plans of ever stopping till we take our last breath. On we GO!I saw this janitor in the mall and I would gladly do that job if I ever needed to go back to work. In fact; I am hoping God will just let me in His kingdom and I will be the janitor there!Yes I am so old ....I saw one of these and I was reminded it was a BIG deal to use one when I was a child!
I saw this vile poster and it has a lot in common with churchianity folks like the ones we met on Sunday. These men came to the curb with their pastor and listen for 1 minute but when I preached repentance, they all ran off asap proving.... they are walking spiritually dead!
Van life is about simple and we should never move far from the simplicity in Christ!
We see a lot of people running in so called revival to do "so called alter calls" (alters are fake today) I guess they are confessing sin and they claim it is to get close to God. But they get up and go do man made traditions and they live just like the world. This is called; lip service faith that Jesus HATED. See Matt 15:8
Sister Aman Shares:
But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
Galatians 3:11
Greetings to my godly sister saints! I just read Galatians 3 for the audio bible readings, you can find that HERE. (And Psalm 133 HERE.)
We've been working on a lot of testings of unbiblical ministries lately (as Jesus said there would be many in the last days) and HERE's another one of an unbiblical NAR woman. Those such people are into signs and wonders and we can clearly see they are not of God. As the scripture in Galatians 3 say that I posted above, 'the just shall live by faith', not signs and wonders today.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1
There will be another unbiblical ministry exposed soon and I'm sharing that with you because it's one that I was able to expose to a woman that we met. We were on the streets sharing the good news and warning our neighbor about a false gospel music award thing going on and a woman was there, looking rather lost. I gave her a gospel card, we talked a bit and she said she belongs to a church that we had just researched the day before because we were thinking about going there instead. God's perfect timing, so there will be a testing up so if she goes to look, she can be warned about that goat farm that is not of God. (She also got warnings about the unbiblical music event going on that day.)
We had a beautiful day of travel.
And had to cross some bridges along the way. That one wasn't too bad but the next one wasn't so great.
It doesn't show on the video very well but it's pretty narrow. In fact some reviews on that bridge have stated that the mirrors have been knocked off by oncoming semi trucks or the side rail from trying to make enough room. We were blessed in that just as we were getting off, some semi trucks were coming on.
I wouldn't want to be those drivers, wow they have to go through quite a bit in that job. We're thankful for a safe trip and made it to our destination for the night.
Shortly after we arrived here a car pulled up as brother Tupos was going to get in the van and they tried to sell some fake gold but we know that scam and so brother Tupos gave them a gospel card, tried to share truth but the man was nodding and pointing up smiling when brother Tupos warned him about lying and doing scams the man stepped on the gas and took off.
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
I love that picture. Simple.... and so many miracles within it, all pointing to an awesome creator who is worthy to be praised!!!!
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.
Psalm 150:6
We're heading into a territory that's filled with unbiblical anabaptists (like various forms of Mennonites and Amish) as well as unbiblical Hebrew Roots and off shoot congregations that don't fit into denominations and we hope to shine some light and truth and possible help a sheep see through the deception. Let's see if we get tomorrow but until then, we have today to overcome.
(Took you along on our venture to find a parking spot for the night:)
Hold fast sisters and press on!
Sister Aman
The sun has set and God was faithful to sustain us for another day in van life. That we never take for granted and come soon Lord Jesus!!!!
We lay our heads down tonight knowing we did what we could for His kingdom and we are ready to serve Him again if we get another day. We are joyous to walk together in unity with anyone who obeys Him as His servant. I share this verse:
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3
Holy is the Lamb of God
Brother Tupos with Sister Aman
This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources: