Van Dwellers Street Preaching Christ Journal April 6 2023

We travel all over America as (self funded / full time) van dwellers to street   preach/witness Christ crucified to the lost culture in the streets, at religious places, events and any open market places.  

Our desire is to be in van life to preach Christ crucified, disciple saints via His truth and reach the lost. The following is our journal that shows latest posts, teachings, places, events and interesting things we encounter in van life for Christ to edify you and other offerings from our website.
See the biblical path to eternal life here:



April 6 2023

Today was an extra eventful day in van dwelling life for many reasons. If you will read on in this journal; you will know why? 

It started out after a good nights sleep, breakfast then when I went to start our generator and I found we had a friend there:

He was set free on a tree,  I answered some emails from brothers and seekers then; down the gospel road we went on a beautiful spring day

We had to drive today and we stopped in a small town to fly gospel signs. At this link you will find a bunch of videos with good edifying thoughts for the saints (men and ladies) while we were out in the streets. You will also see a mocking young man on a bike and an angry baptist man both get the truth but they reject it in haste. You can also see a terrible accident scene we drove past and we pray they all survived it.


Nick Sergent of Holy Beardz gets rebuked by street preacher

Then when we made it to our destination, as sister was going into stores to witness, I was outside walking and handing out gospel cards when an amazing event as more evidence of Gods perfect timing happened for me. Thank you Father!! I saw a pentecostal false gospel worldly preacher that years earlier had quickly blocked me on FB for asking bible questions. Then went on to lie about me on line as he hid in the dark for 4 years. He is a big man like 6' 4" and always boasting in great pride about his muscles, beard and he even dresses up as captain America. He preaches a false gospel, does not call people to biblical faith, he tickles peoples ears with feel good fluff and he famously sells prideful man beard beauty products.  He always said on FB; come talk to me man to man anytime! Well, he is a liar as today I walked right up to him in a parking lot and right here on video; I rebuked him in love. Big Nick Sergent RAN LIKE A COWARD proving God's truth is a sword, it cuts and sends false men into the darkness as Jesus said. John 3:19-21 


See this link that exposes his false ways and that video will be added to his testing soon with a update on him:


I later got a call then angry texts from a heretic Hutterite who is upset I am exposing all of their wickedness, false ways and sin. He is not upset about all their heresy and sin against God. No, he is upset I am exposing it for all the world to see per 1 Tim 5:20. 

This link upset him:


Finally, we got to our night park spot and I saw a neighbor working on a car that was broke down. I was able to offer some advice and a torch I have to help him get it fixed and of course; they both got the gospel. 

I made this video on the van tip page about it:


Sister Aman Shares:

When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. 

Psalm 27:8 

Good day sisters!  We had a busy day in the Lord!  

While we were out on the streets today, I saw that 'D.U.I classes' sign and thought about how thankful I am that I never had to go through all that, losing my license, going through drunk driving classes etc.  I should have, with all the many times I did it in my wicked, unregenerate state, but by the grace of God I was spared and my record is clean.  I'm so thankful.  So many things to be thankful about and I talked about that on a video along with some other videos of various thoughts while we were flying gospel signs on the street... click HERE to go to the post. 

There was a terrible accident on the highway, we hope nobody died. 

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 

James 4:14 

Things like that are a good reminder to always be diligent about the Lord and His truth, lest we be like the 5 unwise virgins who were not ready.

I'll share some pics of flowers we saw while traveling, praise God for all His creation.

There's a children's video of a cute tree frog HERE. (Brother Tupos has a video about it above.)

Titus 2 Time

Lol I eat a lot of sweet potatoes and thought that pasta was funny but looked really good.  I didn't get them though but thought you might enjoy seeing that. I did get some of this though...

Thankful for healthy foods and that the Lord provides it all.  Looks like a couple days of colder weather and rain so we'll be catching up online ministry and be ready to go back out when it's passed but let's see if we get tomorrow even.

A view of where we are parked for the night, not too many neighbors  yet, but lets see how the night goes.  

Love to you sister saints!

Sister Aman


That was our eventful day (thank you Lord) and I offer you this moon scene shot I took 

 We salute all the true holy godly saints out there contending for the faith once delivered. Good night and rest in His care. 

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Jude verse 3

Brother Tupos with sister Aman


This link takes you to many links for MOST of our resources: