Roman Catholic's and Their Pagan Idol's **

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Do age old traditions of society interest you and have you ever wondered just where did that practice come from? God's Word / Jesus Christ warned about following the ways and traditions of man regarding spiritual things in Mark chapter 7

Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

So if we really claim to follow a Holy God we must take heed to His warning about traditions of men and test them, lest we fall pray to their deception.

Throughout man's history one can find many traditions that have been passed down through the ages from generation to generation. We ourselves find the study of them to be very telling especially in the religious circles of man made religion today, as we compare them to God's Word. One such tradition is the habit of saying "God bless you" when someone sneezes. While it may have origins that go much farther back in history; many believe it was roman catholic pope Gregory who reigned in 590 AD that made it mainstream. It seems the plague was killing many in Europe at that time and he made it a rule to have people walking the streets chanting in prayer and he also made it a practice to wrongly say God bless you when someone sneezed. Their reason was that they thought that was how you could get the plague at that time. Obviously saying some words doesn't protect you from the plague. There are also legends about people believing that your spirit could leave you and evil spirits could enter you when you sneezed. Amazingly this strange tradition has survived into our modern culture and people do it and say it daily; many not ever knowing its real origins are. It indeed shows how you can end up following and doing things that you have no idea what they are even based in.
Is this a wise practice and could it be very dangerous?

By now you may say "a God Bless you" at a sneeze is no big deal and that may well be true; but we have a question. Did the roman catholic faith give you many other very troubling spiritual traditions that have stayed with you that ARE against God's Word and Ways for His true people? The answer is yes and we will show you one such pagan tradition that is still practiced on many religious buildings in America today.

Pagan Egyptian Obelisks

As you may know if you have read our posts on roman Catholicism; that faith was born out of the merging of pagan Rome into various aspects of the Christian faith. It was emperor Constantine in the 4th century who legalized Christianity but then added many of the pagan ways of Rome into it and that is today the roman catholic system that millions follow in error. It is not biblical in many ways and it teaches a very dangerous theology/gospel, not of God's Word. One of the many pagan ways adopted into it was the use of what is called an obelisk. It is a very tall skinny stone monument ( just like the Washington monument ) and there are more of them in Rome than anywhere in the world today. ( See tyhe pic above of the one in St Peters square in Rome ) What is important is that in Egypt the obelisk was first used as a pagan symbol of worship to their sun god ra. (It is also noted to be a sexual symbol as well for fertility which ties into Egyptian pagan worship.) There is no doubt that this is of very pagan/occult origins and practices of long ago.

So by now your saying what does a pagan / occult symbol like a obelisk have to do with the roman catholic faith?

Are you aware that one of the biggest obelisks in the world sits smack dab in the center of St Peters square at the Vatican in Rome? ( You can look up pictures of it on the web/it is quite famous. ) Did you know this very same obelisk was taken from Egypt after they were defeated by Augustus in 30 BC. He brought the obelisks that were dedicated to the pagan Pharaohs Rameses II and Psammetichus II from Heliopolis to Rome. While this did all happened before Constantine's time, the roman catholic system adopted this pagan symbol into itself and today it still sits in the middle of their most revered place, the Vatican that the pope rules over. Did you also know that the religious hat the pope wears called a mitre is said by many to be in the shape of an obelisk and it also resembles the hat the pagan Egyptian priests once wore in the false worship of dagon, a fish god? ( the bible even mentions dagon in Judges 16:33 )
Imagine the scene will you? Hundreds of thousands of roman catholics assemble in St Peters square and wait for their leader the pope to come out on a balcony as he wears his mitre and is lifted up as the closest thing to god on earth. What is at the center of this crowd as they pray and worship; the very same Egyptian pagan obelisk once used in sun god worship!  It is quite amazing really. These pagan symbols are set right before these people for anyone to see and discern if they will. But only those seeking/born of God can see clearly.
 What does this say about the roman catholic faith to you? 
 It should tell you that they did and today do still embrace old pagan ways and symbols right into their religious system when God warns against this in His Word. (Keep reading to see those verses,) So moving on; how does this pagan obelisk affect you in your religious place in America you may ask?

Note: these pagan symbols also became steeples on evangelical places so they too have pagan ways in their very midst. They brought various pagan ways out of the false roman system like Christ-mass and the modern pastor role along with a building centered faith. 

Are you aware that the early New Testament church of the first century was by God's design a home based body and not until the 4th century when it was perverted did Rome make pagan religious buildings for so called Christian worship. Over time the traditions of various pagans were incorporated into these false buildings and even through the reformation the steeple ( a tall skinny structure on a roof ) that you may have on your own religious building ( a building is not a church by the way ) was kept and is a type of pagan obelisk that came from ra sun god worship in Egypt. (Over the years they just added a cross and some bells to it.) The fact is yes, you may have pagan symbols on your religious building handed down from the pagan Egyptians to the pagan roman catholic faith, through the reformers (like Luther/Calvin) and on to you and your denomination today! This should both surprise you and make you take notice as well! The big question is this: what does a Holy God think of such things and that we shall see from His Holy Word?

There are various examples of God telling the Israelite's to not allow or keep similar pagan symbols of those people around them. One such verse is in 2 Kings 10:26-27
 They brought the sacred stone out of the temple of Baal and burned it. They demolished the sacred stone of Baal and tore down the temple of Baal, and people have used it for a latrine to this day.

This seems to describe a similar stone monument to baal that the Israelites could not keep before them as the people of a Holy God. Do the roman catholic leaders/the pope keep such a  pagan thing before them? Indeed they do at their headquarters in rome called the vatican.

Another such verse is Deuteronomy 16:22 we find this warning:
“Do not set up any wooden Asherah pole beside the altar you build to the Lord your God, and do not erect a sacred stone, for these the Lord your God hates.

Note: There was back then an upright pillar connected with Baal-worship, and is associated with the goddess Ashtoreth. It was the representation of the productive principal of life, and Baal being  represented as well. The image, which represents Ashtoreth, as the sole object of worship in her temple, was an upright block of stone, anointed with oil, and covered with a cloth.

If we look at the New Testament we can find instructions on how to serve God in the correct manner.
In the book of 2 Corinthians 6 says this as a warning:

For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?  What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said:

“I will live with them
    and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
    and they will be my people.”
“Come out from them
    and be separate,
says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing,
    and I will receive you.” 

If you think God does not really care how He is worshiped you are wrong.
See this post HERE all about false worship and how God hates profane and false worship!

His true people will hear His Word and then come out of false teaching ( roman Catholicism ) and not stay in it. We know this is not a popular message but it is love for those caught in its lies and for God's glory that we must speak the truth here as a warning.

Indeed it is true that God Almighty hates such things among His true people so ask yourself;
why do roman catholics lift up such a pagan thing today?
We would ask you could it be that they are NOT of the true Living God at all but of pagan ways?

This is just one of "many" pagan unbiblical practices of this faith system. We will continue to write about more. Please go to this post HERE  and see from their own catechism vs God's Word the truth about the false ways they teach that cannot save you or anyone.

Go here to see this roman false faith tested to God's Word

Jesus said we must worship in spirit and truth / John 4;24 and in love we tell you that roman catholicism is not in His truth and follows wrong spirits.

If you are in this false system today  you must study God's Word for the truth, repent and then come out of it into the glorious light and freedom of a biblical New testament life in Christ leaving  pagan man made religion behind you, no matter the cost! 

Please go HERE and read or listen to the biblical gospel that alone leads to eternal life.
(you must be born again and that it is NOT baby baptism)

For His glory....

Let us know how we can help you.....