Scott Walker .... Biblical Christian or Compromised Believer?

 (click above to listen to this article )
As you know if you have read our site, we are not into politics and we no longer take part in the voting process ourselves as we decided to try and choose "the lesser of evils" was still choosing evil. (We may vote on certain referendum issues yes or no as they come up but that is it.) Our research has shown us that the entire system is corrupt and so we choose to focus our efforts on ministry and the gospel, not man's politics. If people choose to do so that is their choice to make. With that said; we will still comment on situations when they arise that have a spiritual/biblical connection to them and this is one such case.

By looking at a governmental leader, his beliefs and his religious body, we can discern if he is fully inline with God's Word or just another modern churched man that practices man made religion and is far from the truth.

We live in Wisconsin and the Governor here is Mr. Scott Walker. He professes to be a born again follower of Jesus Christ and has made some references to God's Word in some of his speeches.   Therefore he is presenting himself as a representative of God's Word and must be held accountable to that.  What is interesting is that of late the entire state/nation is all a buzz with conservative and Christian hopes. Mr. Walker is a very popular figure who may run for the Whitehouse in 2016. It does appear that Mr. Walker has some solid convictions that he stands on and he may well make a potential Presidential candidate but that is not our concern here at nopews.blogspot. Since it is all over the culture and many people are talking about it we thought we would take a look at Mr. Walker and report what we have found out from a biblical perspective. Perhaps these points below will tell us where he is at in his biblical faith life.

Over the past few years Walker has had a solid record on conservative topics like supporting life (anti abortion) and he has also been a strong supporter of marriage between a man and a woman. But here lies the first some signs of trouble. Of late surprisingly he has begin to waffle on stating "his position" on sodomite marriage and it is puzzling. Perhaps it is to position himself for a national run for the Whitehouse? (We hope he doesn't cave on the issue as it is sin; just to gain more favor of more men.) Another troubling thing that came to the surface was that his teenage son attended a lesbian wedding of a family member and Walker confirmed that. The only statement from the Walker camp was "the lady is a loved family member". Lastly on this issue; we feel a important question is; did Mr. Walker go to the reception of this lesbian couple with his wife? (it was her cousin that wed another woman) I have been unable to confirm this to date. As a follower of Christ the only possible way he could attend such a event in good conscience would be to witness the gospel truth to them and it seems unlikely he did that. (I have sent a letter to him and his modern pastor to pose these questions)

I did notice that Walker's son is attending Marquette college which is a roman catholic Jesuit University. Does anyone see the problem here? The bible says don't associate with those who leave sound doctrine (Romans 16:17) so to attend a pagan university for a education would be "sinful". (Scott Walker went there too) 
See our post on the false roman faith here:
So perhaps young Walkers views on sodomite marriage are being changed? This often happens when young people are sent out into the world as it can warp biblical morals in the end. You may be saying this is Walkers grown son and he can do as he pleases. While that is indeed true; if this young man chooses to attend a pagan school and to witness lesbian weddings; Mr. Walker MUST disassociate with him to be in obedience to God's Holy Word.

for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6

What are Scott Walkers "current views" on pagan roman catholic schools and sodomite marriage today? He has been vague on the issue of marriage of late and that is concerning to us.

 I have also noticed on many occasions Walker talked about/promoted the NFL and this is a sad warning sign he does not either know or practice the fullness of God Word. He does not separate himself out of this fallen carnal culture but enjoys and he loves the things of the world when God's Word says clearly... don't do that. (1 John 2:15) What is more worldly then the nations favorite violent pagan game; the NFL?
See our post on the NFL here and why it is NOT for true believers:

These all seemed like very troubling signs to us so we took a look at his evangelical religious body to see what they were all about. Scott Walker attends a religious body called Meadowbrook in Wauwatosa, Wi. and we researched them in detail. Here is their site:

Right off the bat we can see they are not a true biblical New Testament church.

They don't have a biblical gospel as they lack repentance
Here is their statement:
"We believe the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe and only such as receive Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit and thus become children of God".

To repent is to turn from sin, all sin!
Jesus said repent or perish (Luke13;3) and often religious bodies that don't stress repentance are living in daily sin as a life style and disobedience as a practice. That is not Christ true church body at all and it needs to be stated in godly love.

Next, they are following the false man made system of faith as they don't teach the full truth of God's Word which is apparent in their gospel, site, people and leaders. See our link here that exposes those issues with God's Word:

A bit more research shows us they are connected to and a plant from Elmbrook religious body and we checked them out as well. Sadly they are a very seeker sensitive, unbiblical, worldly minded place modern system that has ties to false teachers like seeker guru Bill Hybels and wolf Rick Warren. Those men are leading millions into God's wrath via false gospels and easy believe-ism ways just to fill up pews. All you need to do is go see their book store full of dangerous false teachers like evolutionist & social gospel teacher Tim Keller and mystic roman catholic Henri Nouwen. Here is that site:

So we looked around more at the Meadowbrook site and decided to test their modern pastor there Lee Hayward. I found a sermon of his where he was going to tell men how to keep themselves safe and pure in this over sexed culture. Sadly he had lots of neat stories and some jokes but note much of God's Word. All he told them was to redraw their map, fast forward their life movie and confess issues???  Not much in the way of solid biblical instruction was found there. There was not any "do to not set vile or sinful things before your eyes at all" Psalm 101:3 and no instruction to be HOLY in all your ways. 1 Peter 1:15. 

In this sermon Lee quoted "in a good way" the heretic Rob Bell and he called the false roman catholic faith "THE" church several times in the middle ages. (They are not the true church at all.) I looked into Lee and realized of course he is not about to call these men out of the sexualized carnal culture, violent immodest lewd sports and the movies/media as he is VERY much into it himself! He loves the carnal NFL and he teaches this man made religious false system so we can say boldly he does not teach or live out the FULL counsel of the Lord's Word. He is an easy believe-ism unbiblical seeker sensitive modern pastor just like so many we have tested to God's Word before. Keep in mind that this is Governor Scott Walkers pastor so you can also assume Walker is not getting much in the way of deep biblical truth from Mr. Hayward or his Meadowbrook religious organization. Mr Walker will not be called out to all bible truth, to live a holy and obedient life from places such as these nor will his son who seemingly now supports lesbians. (maybe the Walkers do too...I don't know?) These are very compromised, unbiblical places, full of worldly people not teaching the full counsel of truth who grow false converts and not holy saints. Godly love has us tell the truth! They must be warned of this and the rejected if they stay unbiblical as places of false salvation, mans sinful ways, worldliness, carnality which leads to doom and wrath.

Here are some articles that will help you and you may enjoy that are about items in this article:

It is no wonder Mr Walker may be waffling on his sodomite marriage stance and we can see why he is friends with the world as well which James 4:4 says makes you Gods enemy! It appears clear he is not getting the true New Testament church taught to him at Meadowbrook and nor is his family. Our fear for Mr Walker is that a chance at national/world politics will take him even further away from the Lord's truth and these modern pastor men he is sitting under in the pews on Sunday will NOT call him back as they don't have it fully themselves by their fruit. By all of this evidence the truth is in. We can say Mr Walker is NOT a biblical Christian but in fact a modern church goer if he supports/embraces Meadowbrook/Elmbrook ways. Practicing such lies will get a man hell, not heaven. see Revelation 22:14-15.

We will reach out to them in biblical love and we can only hope that they desire the full biblical truth vs favor of man, more folks in the pews, bigger wide screen TV's, ever bigger buildings and more football foolishness. All we can do is proclaim the truth, call people to repent and the rest is up to them and the Lord's Holy Spirit.

Please don't be swept up in the warped politics of man for your hope, any false ways or the lies and errors of man made religion that God hates (see Mark 7) and that we have documented for you above. Study God's Word, repent or your error and man made religious systems. Then turn to and follow Christ into spirit and truth worship (John 4:24) for God's glory and your salvation to come!

In the end; Mr. Walker seems like a very nice family man who has some solid morals that guide him. The issue here is that he invokes God's name in the public and so God's Word is the standard he MUST be held to lest Christ be defamed to the world! We care so we speak out boldly in truth. We are told to pray for those in authority over us and that we shall do. (See Romans 13)

Go here and listen to the biblical saving gospel will you:

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